Kloter Haji Pertama dari Jawa Timur Diberangkatkan

01 Sep 2014

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SIDOARJO - A total of 450 first flight pilgrim group from East Java departing from Surabaya Juanda Airport, Monday, September 1st 2014, According to a spokesman for Angkasa Pura Airports Branch Juanda, Andrias Yustinian, as many as 310 pilgrims from Surabaya and 135 people of Sidoarjo. Coupled with the companion of five people, "he said.

The first batch of pilgrims from East Java dispatched by the Governor Soekarwo, from Hajj Embarkation Sukolilo, Surabaya, before being taken to the Juanda Airport. They contrast with Saudi Arabia Airlines plane SV 5103 at 10:30 WIB.

According to Andrias, Angkasa Pura Airports has been coordinating with officials from the Ministry of Religious Affairs of East Java on landing and parking permits at Medina airport. Because lot of flight that would depart from Juanda Airport .

According to the plan, there are 64 fleet consists of 28 676 pilgrims and 320 companion will depart from Juanda Airport this year. They will take turns on a 1 to 26 September 2014. Andrias said the departure of pilgrims this year is more efficient because the ceremonial takes place in Sukolilo Hajj, instead of at the airport. "The pilgrim can be orderly and timely manner". [Pardika Dewi RS / Source: tempo.co]
