Kendalikan Pencemaran Udara, Angkasa Pura I Laksanakan Uji Emisi Kendaraan

13 May 2016

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JAKARTA - In order to realize an environmentally friendly company and commemorate the World Environment Day, PT Angkasa Pura I (Persero) Jakarta Head Office carried out free emission test.

In cooperation with PT Sawu Indonesia, an event which was held on 12 and May 13, 2016 aims to reduce the environmental damage caused by exhaust emissions, and as a form of air pollution control. This free emission test is a routine activity by the company as much as two times each year.

The event was initiated by the unit Safety, Health, and Environment Group, is housed in the courtyard of parker Graha Angkasa Pura I Jakarta. "The purpose of this event is to determine the level of emissions caused by operational vehicles and personal property of employees of PT Angkasa Pura I (Persero)," said Dedi Ruhiyat, Safety Health and Environment Department Head of PT Angkasa Pura I (Persero).

"Emission test was also carried out as one of the company's compliance with government regulations, such as Regulation No. 41 of 1999 on Air Pollution Control, Regulation No. 40 of 2012 on the Development and Environmental Protection service, and much more," said Dedi. [DSS]
