Kembangkan Airport City Bandara Juanda, Angkasa Pura Airports Tandatangani MoU dengan Setdco Group

01 Apr 2015

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JAKARTA-  Angkasa Pura Airports signed a Memorandum of Understanding or MOU for the development of Surabaya Juanda International Airport with PT Setdco Mahaya at Headquarters Angkasa Pura Airports (1/04). The signing was done by the President Director of Angkasa Pura Airports, Tommy Soetomo and Director of PT Setdco Mahaya, Bei Mahaya Djody and Commissioner of PT Setdco Mahaya, Setiawan Djody who acted as witnesses.

"Memorandum of Understanding is intended as a basis for the parties to prepare a plan of cooperation in the development of Surabaya Juanda International Airport to provide best effort based on the expertise and experience of each to promote the principles of good corporate governance," said Tommy Soetomo on the sidelines of the event.

Setdco is a company engaged in various fields of activities including infrastructure development and is the entire supporting infrastructure. Angkasa Pura Airports hope to have the approval of a Memorandum of Understanding is planning the development of Juanda International Airport into Airport City can run optimally and make a positive contribution to both parties. [PDRS]
