Kapasitas Bandara Sultan Hasanuddin Ditingkatkan Dua Kali Bandara I Gusti Ngurah Rai Bali

09 Sep 2014

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MAKASSAR - Capacity of Makassar Sultan Hasanuddin International Airport will be increased to two times from the capacity of Ngurah Rai International Airport in Denpasar, Bali. "At presents the capacity of Ngurah Rai 25 million people. Hasanuddin Airport will be upgraded into a two-time 50 to 60 million passengers in stages," said General Manager of PT Angkasa Pura I  Makassar Sultan Hasanuddin International Airport in Makassar Rachman Syafrie, Sunday (7/9) , accompanied by his successor Yanus Suprayogi.

Rachman Syafrie said Sultan Hasanuddin International Airport will be developed into an "airport city" in which there are hotels, international hospitals and "business center". Meanwhile Yanus Suprayogi promised to improve services so that airport Sultan Hasanuddin Airport became common dreams. "Sultan Hasanuddin International Airport is a major airport in eastern Indonesia so we have to give our best," said the former leader development projects Ngurah Rai Airport. The handover which took place on Saturday attended by representatives of the Board of Commissioners of PT Angkasa Pura I, Hakamuddin Djamal and Tunjung Inderawan and representatives of the Board of Directors and Gunawan Agus Subrata.

During Rachman Syafrie leading, Hasanuddin Airport has won several awards such as Most Improved Airport on Airport Award 2011, Prima Utama Award from the Minister of Transportation and Marketers of the Year 2014 Utilities sector. Rahman Syafrie now serves as Business and Development Group Head in Jakarta. While Yanus previously served as Co-General Manager at Juanda International Airport Surabaya. [Pardika Dewi RS / Source: beritasatu.com]
