GVK India Minati Bandara Kulon Progo

02 Sep 2014

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JAKARTA - Despite entering a new stage of socialization, Angkasa Pura Airports optimistic Kulon Progo airport that will replace Adi Sucipto Airport in Yogyakarta, is targeted to be groundbreaking in May 2015, the Corporate Secretary of Angkasa Pura Airports, Farid Indra Nugraha said, Kulon Progo Airport with an investment of 7.5 trillion IDR, this will be the first airport built without the use of government funds. In fact, one of the foreign investors is ready towed by the company.

"One of the investors who are interested in is GVK Group, a successful company from India to develop Mumbai and Bangalore Airport. Though there is no agreement the percentage of stock ownership, we wished to become a majority owner. Cooperation has been conducted since 2011 at the signing of a memorandum of understanding (MoU) which signed in New Delhi India, "he said on Sunday (31/8).

Currently, he revealed, the development of Kulon Progo Airport has entered the stage of land acquisition and has prepared 900 billion IDR for it. He also admitted that his side is now starting to approach the relevant local land acquisition. The reason, of the 6,802 hectares needed for the airport building around 1,500 hectares of public land still occupied by 500 families.

"We will start the approach early September, with the hope that people can accept it. Targeted land acquisition takes about 200 days," said Farid. He said the construction of Kulon Progo airport as a replacement of Adi Sucipto Airport which has excess capacity. "The plan of Kulon Progo Airport that has the concept of airport city can operate in 2017," he said.

Angkasa Pura Airports are promising designs or completeness of the airport infrastructure would be better than the previous airports. The special design has offered by investors GVK India with the power characteristic of Yogyakarta. In fact, early September, the Governor of Yogyakarta, Sri Sultan Hamengkubuwono X, is scheduled to review the designs offered these investors. [Diani Sekaring Sejati / Source: Sinar Harapan]
