Diklat Kesamaptaan / Latihan Dasar Calon pegawai PT. Angkasa Pura I (Persero) Tahun 2015

07 Sep 2015

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SURABAYA - On Wednesday (16/09/2015) organized training activities, Basic PKP-PK and Basic AVSEC for employees’ candidates as well as employees of PKP-PK & AVSEC of PT. Angkasa Pura I (Persero) which don’t have a license. This activity was held at the Multipurpose Building Juanda Airport in Surabaya. Basic Training PKP-PK held the first and second batch while the Basic Training AVSEC 2015 this time was force IX, X and XI since the release of "Certification" training Operating Licensee by DGCA in 2013.
In his speech, Saptandri Widiyanto as Human Capital and General Affairs Director of PT. Angkasa Pura I (Persero) said that along with the growth of the aviation world that is rapidly PT. Angkasa Pura I as airport management strives to provide excellent service and ensure compliance with safety standards, safety and comfort for all service users and stakeholders airports in PT Angkasa Pura I. "This training aims to provide knowledge and insight about the Standard Operating Procedure ( SOP) prevailing in AVSEC and PKP-PK. The participants must understand and be able to do all the procedures set forth in the Airport Security Program (ASP) and the Airport Emergency Plan (AEP) ", said Saptandri.
"In education and training is held on a regular basis, the materials are not only delivered through lectures but also through group discussions and games that can foster dared attitude and cooperation with teammates. Practice entire material presented in this training in your daily work; remember that you are the frontline companies in serving customers. " Add Saptandri. [Angga Maruli]
