Bedah Buku "From St. Louis to Seulawah" Karya Jusman Syafii Djamal

03 Apr 2014

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JAKARTA- In the series of the 50th Anniversary, Angkasa Pura Airport held book review “From St.Louis to Seulawah” written by the former Minister of Transportation of the Republic of Indonesia, Syafii Djamal, placed at Grha Angkasa Pura I, Kemayoran, Jakarta, on Wednesday (02/04). In addition to be attended by the board of directors and officials in Angkasa Pura Airports, this event was also attended by the Secretary General of Indonesia National Air Carrier Association (INACA) Tengku Burhanuddin and ex-Chief of the Air Force Staff  (KSAU) Marshal TNI Chappy Hakim.
According to Jusman, in the last 40 years the air passanger volume increased ten times.  In the same period, the air freight volume was raised fourteen times. “The record reached by this air transportation industry is quite convincing than the world economic growth in the last fourty years, which only raised three or four times. This fact indicates that air transportation is the fastest growth economic sector than other sectors.” Jusman explained.

Based on study result of Boeing, Airbus, Japan Aircraft Development Corporation and International Air Transport Association (IATA), all reveals the same thing, that is the prediction of air traffic volume  will shift from the North America and Europe territories to the Asia-Pacific territory, if it is observing base on the territory. “Asia Pacific will be the center of airline industry and airport in the next future.” Jusman said firmly that is the alumnus of ITB flight mechanical engineering.

In Indonesia, the increase of aviation service total market range is reaching almost 20 percent per year. “This number is about four times of national economic growth. A surprising phenomenon for many communities,” said a man who was born in Langsa, Aceh Timur, July 28th, 1954 which is currently as the Main Commissioner of PT Telekomunikasi Indonesia, Tbk.
The development of aviation industry in the country was also seen from the density of airport. In fact, the International Airport, Soekarno Hatta Cengkareng, according to the Center for Aviation and Innovata (CAPA) recorded as the busiests airport in the Southeast Area, defeating the Changi Airport Singapore. “Three Airports under Angkasa Pura Airports also included as the top 10 busiests airport in Southeast Asia, according to CAPA, they are Juanda Airport Surabaya in the seventh position, Ngurah Rai Bali (8) and Sultan Hassanuddin Makassar (10),” said Jusman.

When Jusman was as the Transportation Minister in the Kabinet Indonesia Bersatu Jilid I, there were 5 drafts of Law finished as the law, one of them was the Law Number 1 Year 2009 on Aviation. “Aviation industry in Indonesia is changed along with the implementation of Law No. 1 Year 2009 on Aviation. It is a very modern law. I think this Law can be our referrence to enter ASEAN Single Aviation Market,” said Marketing and Business Development Business Angkasa Pura Airports Robert D Waloni.  [Arif Haryanto]
