Bandara Sepinggan Raih Best of The Best Airport of The Year 2014

11 Dec 2014

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Jakarta - Attempts to improve the service quality has been shown by PT Angkasa Pura I (Persero) get a wonderful result. The international airport of Sultan Aji Muhammad Sulaiman Sepinggan Balikpapan managed to snatch the title as "Best of The Best Airport of The Year" in the Airport Award 2014, held by Airport Magazine join with Ministry of transportation, Ministry of STATE-OWNED ENTERPRISES, and the Ministry of Tourism. The granting of this award takes place at the Hotel Borobudur Jakarta, Wednesday night (10/12).

"We are grateful for appreciation of the service that we have provided so far. Hopefully this award can spur us to continue to improve the level of service in the airports we manage," said President Director of PT Angkasa Pura I (Persero) Tommy Soetomo.

Beside Balikpapan Sepinggan Airport, other airport run under Angkasa Pura Airports that managed to gain an award in the Airport Awards 2014 include I Gusti Ngurah Rai Airport Bali as "1st Best Airport", T1 Juanda international airport in Surabaya as the "2nd Best Airport", as well as Surabaya's Juanda Airport T2 holds a "Progressive Airport". In addition, Makassar Hasanuddin Airport awarded as "Good Airport" for the airport with over 5 million passengers and Adi Soemarmo airport in Surakarta as "Good Airport" airport for up to two million passengers per year. Last year, the title "Airport of The Year" held by Juanda international airport in Surabaya, who successfully maintained for three years in a row.

Airport Award Awards 2014 this year was the holding of a fourth time. The assessment is carried out through 2014 Award Airport activity survey at 53 airports across Indonesia, both managed by Angkasa Pura I, Angkasa Pura II, and UPT of  the Ministry of transportation. This assesment survey involved 1,600 respondents. In addition, through surveys, assessments are also carried out by a panel of judges consisting of Herry Bakti S. Gumay (former Director-General of Air Transport), Dudi Subagyo (flight observers), Agus Pambagio (public policy observer), Otong Rukmana (academics), as well as Olivia Zalianty (artist). They assess the form of service, quality and improvement of facilities, the means, and the existing infrastructure at the airport began to access the airport, the immigration service, information, departure and arrival terminalservice, the comfort of terminal, convenience, shopping facilities and restaurants, and other public facilities.

"The success of the Sultan Aji Muhammad Sulaiman Airport Sepinggan in Balikpapan received this award became one of the evidence that the services we present can meet the expectations of the users of the services of the airport," said Airport General Manager Sultan Aji Muhammad Sulaiman Balikpapan Sepinggan, Wendo Asrul Rose. [Arif Haryanto]
