Bandara Sam Ratulangi Manado Serahkan Bantuan Bina Lingkungan Senilai 260 Juta

17 Jul 2014

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MANADO - Angkasa Pura Airports Sam Ratulangi Manado Airport Branch distribute an society aid fund worth Rp.260 million. This aid fund was handed by Maslin Panggabean, General Manager of Angkasa Pura Airports Sam Ratulangi Manado Airport Branch and witnessed by Julius F. Walenta, Finance and IT Department Head of Sam Ratulangi Airport Branch and also a number of local government officers, Thursday (17/07).

This event was held at the office of Angkasa Pura Airports Sam Ratulangi Manado Airport Branch. The aid is elaborated in the construction of basketball field for SMPN 14 Manado (14 Manado Junior High), lawn machine for The Centre of Pilots of Manado Navy Airport, renovation of Nurul Jariah and Hijratussalam mosques, sembako (nine basic commodities) packages for the residents surrounding Sam Ratulangi Manado Airport, and also donation for orphans at Al Qhaerad orphanage. 

In the last five years (2008 to 2013), Sam Ratulangi Manado Airport had distributed aid fund at around Rp. 4 billion and soft loans for micro business and cooperation amounting Rp.14 billion for 710 micro-and-middle sized business units (UKM). "In 2014 we have distributed society aid fund worth Rp. 811 million. In the near future, Angkasa Pura Airports Sam Ratulangi Manado Airport Branch will renovate school buildings and hold Mobile Puskesmas (public health center) program around the airport," said Maslin Panggabean.

Maslin hopes the aid program may help the society improving their welfare and also grow their sense of belonging of this airport by securing the area surrounding it. On this event, a donation from employees of Sam Ratulangi Manado Airport worth Rp. 63.5 million was handed to the North Sulawesi Islamic charity body (Badan Amil Zakat). The event then continued by breaking the fast together with Sam Ratulangi Manado Airport Community, led by Ustadz Abdurahman Marquz as the preacher. (Pardika Dewi RS)
