Bandara Internasional Adi Soemarmo Solo Antisipasi MERS

14 May 2014

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SURAKARTA  -  Adi Soemarmo International Airport in Surakarta, Central Java, intensifies the efforts to prevent and anticipate the risk of the Middle East Respiratory Syndrome (MERS) virus which is highly possible  to spread through the Adi Soemarmo Surakarta International Airport, carried by infected passengers. The airport shall apply thermal scanning by using Thermo Scanners to detect infected people with MERS arriving from the Middle East.

A person with MERS usually shows influenza symptoms, which include high fever and respiratory problems. The Operations and Readiness Section Head of Adi Soemarmo International Airport, Sri Rahayu said that there are no direct flights from Jeddah, so the passenger will transit in Malaysia or Singapore. “The international flights to and from Malaysia or Singapore are on Thursdays and Saturdays,” she added.

The Thermo Scanner has long been available at the arrival entrance, since 2006 during the swine flu outbreak, Rini explained , and now it is used to scan for MERS suspects.
