Bandara Atas Air Semarang Gunakan Teknologi Tercanggih

20 Jun 2014

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Jakarta - Within the next 2 years, Semarang citizens will enjoy the benefit of the new Ahmad Yani Airport. The passenger terminal that will be built over the mangroves water, will be  floating terminal. The internationally scaled airport was designed by adopting the latest and most modern airport technology in the world. "It has adopted ethnic and cultural elements, as well as adopting the latest existing terminal technology in the world," said the Corporate Secretary of Angkasa Pura Airports, Farid Indra Nugraha, on Wednesday (06/18/2014).

For the security system or security check point, Ahmad Yani Airport applies security system similar to Kuala Namu Airport, Ngurah Raih Airport and up to Sepinggan Airport. The security check process is only done once and those seeing off passengers can only enter certain areas of the airport. "There is one security gate, security point which is not separated. Like the system in Sepinggan, Balikapan," he explained.

The airport which requires an investment of Rp 1.5 trillion has a modern passenger luggage and baggage handling. The luggage is sent automatically using scanners to scan the barcode and dispatch it to the departing carrier. If there are indications of dangerous articles, the luggage is then automatically separated and sent to be inspected at the appropriate section.

By using automatic scanning system, the chances of baggage mix-up is very remote. Farid pointed out that the floating airport in Semarang is designed by the hands of local experts. "The product was designed by local company," he explained. [Diani Sekaring Sejati/Source: Detik Finance]
