Angkasa Pura Airports Lakukan Pembenahan Area Publik Di Bandara Untuk Pelayanan Penumpang

16 Oct 2015

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JAKARTA - PT Angkasa Pura I (Persero) fully supports the government's efforts to improve services for users of airport services. One of them is through the implementation of the Regulation of the Minister of Transportation No. PM.129 2015 on Guidelines for Preparation of Service Level Agreements (Service Level Agreement) in Providing Services to Airport User Services dated August 26, 2015.

"Angkasa Pura I started to reorganize outlets business partners in airports us. This effort to expand the public area as a form to improve services for users of the airport," said Corporate Secretary Angkasa Pura I Farid Indra Nugraha on Thursday (15/10).

In the early stages, Angkasa Pura I together with Directorate of Airports Ministry of Transportation has conducted assessments in nine of the 13 Angkasa Pura Iairports. This assessment has been carried out at Sam Ratulangi Airport, MakassarSultan Hasanuddin Airport in, Ambon Pattimura Airport, Ahmad Yani Airport, BanjarmasinSyamsudin NoorAirport, and Sultan Aji Muhammad Sulaiman Sepinggan Airport. Further in Lombok PrayaAirport, Yogyakarta Adi Sutjipto Airport, and Solo Adi Sumarmo Airport. "In October this would still be held back assessment for Juanda Airport in Surabaya, I Gusti Ngurah Rai Airport in Bali and El Tari Airport in Kupang. The FransKaisiepo Airport in Biak would not have done the assessment process," said Farid.

Results of the assessment showed no commercial areas at Angkasa Pura Iairports, which exceeds more 30% of the total area of the terminal after the circulation space andbuildings utility about 20%, according to the provisions of Article 7 paragraph (1) of the Communications Minister Regulation No. PM.129/2015. "Nevertheless, we still do the relocation or removal of some tenants in some airports business partners to further expand the public area. We move them to an area that does not interfere with the flow of passenger traffic, but still can be affordable," said Farid.

This improvement has been done for instance in Ahmad Yani Airport in Semarang and Yogyakarta Adi Sutjipto Airport. Relocation of commercial tenants in airports was conducted on last September 2015,considering the limited area in the airport's terminal. In addition to the relocation of outlets, at Ahmad Yani Airport removal also conducted screening check point (SCP) and additional seats in the departure lounge. All of these efforts, according to Farid, done to improve convenience to passengers at airports owned Angkasa Pura I, which in the first half of 2015 recorded total revenue of 2.53 trillion IDR, or up approximately 11% of total revenues in the first semester ago. [DSS / PR AP I]
