Angkasa Pura Airports Wins Runner Up in Social Media Ranger Activation

25 Mar 2022

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Jakarta, March 25, 2022 – Angkasa Pura Airports is committed to optimizing the Company’s contribution in supporting the acceleration and equitable distribution of the latest information within the Ministry of State-Owned Enterprises and State-Owned Enterprises (SOEs). In line with such endeavors, since August 2021, a communication channel has been established by optimizing the role of the Company's Employees to manage digital assets through the Social Media Rangers Team consisting of 49 employees spreading across the airport work area under the management of AP I and one coordinator.

Social Media Rangers Team is tasked to formulate strategies in an effort to support the acceleration and distribution of the latest information within the SOE, follow-up on news requests, compile reports on the activities of Social Media Rangers Team in their respective working areas, attend meetings/events of the Team, and carry out Social Media Rangers activities in an effort to increase engagement level on social media.

During the 2022 BUMN Corporate Communications and Sustainability Summit (BCOMSS) held by the Ministry of SOEs on March 23, 2022 at Istora Senayan, Angkasa Pura Airports achieved Runner Up for Social Media Rangers Activation which was handed over directly to AP I’s President Director, Faik Fahmi on stage.

Faik said that “We are proud to receive the runner up award from the Ministry of SOEs as the Company has succeeded in managing communication and information so that the acceleration of information dissemination can be carried out massively through social media. Accurate and fast information dissemination can provide many benefits to the community. By being awarded the runner up, I hope that the AP I’s Social Media Rangers Team can be more enthusiastic in acting, being creative, and conveying important information needed by stakeholders and the Indonesian people,” Faik explained.

The event was also attended by the Minister of SOEs, Erick Thohir, accompanied by Special Staff III to the Minister of SOEs, Arya Sinulingga. Arya said, “BCOMSS is an effort to measure the success level of SOEs in managing communication, information, and how a state-owned company maintains their relationship with stakeholders and builds relationships with the media to get their targets, corporate targets,” he explained. Arya hopes that BCOMSS will boost the performance of SOEs as the assessment is objectively carried out by judges with capabilities in their fields.

As additional information, each member of the Social Media Rangers Team has a social media account to publish positive company information within the SOEs every day through creative and informative content in the form of infographics. “I hope this award is the first step in the success of the Social Media Rangers Team to distribute positive information about the Company in the future so that it can be useful for the nation and the country,” Faik concluded.
