Angkasa Pura Airports Wins Award at PR Indonesia Award 2022

27 Mar 2022

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Jakarta, March 26, 2022 - Angkasa Pura Airports once again recorded an achievement in the Public Relations Indonesia Award (PRIA). During the 7th PR Indonesia Awards, Angkasa Pura Airports won Most Popular in Print Media 2021 Category , BUMN Non-Tbk  sub-category.

During the award ceremony held on Friday (25/3) night at Po Hotel Semarang, the award certificate was handed over by the CEO of PR Indonesia Group Asmono Wikan, and received by General Manager of Jenderal Ahmad Yani Airport - Semarang Hardi Ariyanto.

AP I’s President Director Faik Fahmi stated, this achievement is a form of appreciation for the company’s performance in providing positive information to the public. “During the pandemic, information flows in the community are distorted and disrupted. Our duty as an airport operator with a key role in air transportation modes  is to provide accurate, fast, and credible information services. This award is a decent appreciation for our performance to date,” Faik Fahmi.

“Through this role, we hope to rebuild public optimism and confidence in the midst of these non-ideal conditions, that eventually will have a positive impact on economic recovery,” he continued.

As the award organizer, PR Indonesia conducted an assessment by collecting data throughout 2021 to look for institutions with positive exposure and tonality. Based on the assessment results, Angkasa Pura Airports won an award based on the assessment results compiled from the news in 174 mainstream print media in Indonesia. The judging process in the event with the big theme “Collaboration for the Rise of the Country” was carried out by juries consisting of PR and CSR experts, PR consultants, PR organization leaders, journalists and senior photographers, design and branding experts, and social media experts.

In his remarks, CEO of PR Indonesia Asmono Wikan stated the importance of public relations (PR) in a company. “PRIA is an event to prove themselves, to learn and appreciate PR personnel who have shown excellent performance to bring their respective organizations or corporations to a higher level. This shows that the PR has a strategic function and should be at a respectable level,” he said.

Angkasa Pura Airports has consistently won achievements in award events organized by PR Indonesia in the previous year. At the PR Indonesia Awards 2021, Angkasa Pura Airports won four awards, namely Gold Winner in the Sustainability Report Sub-Category, Silver Winner in the Profile Video Sub-Category, Silver Winner in the Social Media Sub-Category, and the Most Popular in Print Media 2020 Category for BUMN Non-Tbk. Meanwhile, during the 7th Jambore of PR Indonesia in December 2021, Angkasa Pura Airports successfully won PR Indonesia award in Most Popular Leader in Social Media 2021 category for President Director Faik Fahmi.

“We would like to thank PR Indonesia for this award. This achievement does not necessarily make us complacent, but instead becomes a whip to keep motivating us in providing information to the public in a quick, accurate, and credible manner, that eventually have a positive impact on the community and stakeholders,” Faik Fahmi concluded.
