Angkasa Pura Airports Wins Indonesian Consumer Protection Award 2021

11 Nov 2021

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JAKARTA – Angkasa Pura Airports received another prestigious award at the end of 2021. This time, the airport operating company in the central and eastern regions of Indonesia won the Raksa Nugraha - Indonesian Consumer Protection Award (ICPA) 2021 with a Gold rating.

The award, which was organized by the National Consumer Protection Agency (BPKN), is a form of appreciation for the Company’s commitment and efforts in consumer protection.

The award was held virtually on Wednesday (10/11) afternoon, and was received by the President Director of Angkasa Pura Airports, Faik Fahmi.

“The participation of Angkasa Pura Airports in ICPA has a positive impact on improving the quality of airport services. We hope that in the future, ICPA can continue to contribute to strengthening consumer protection in Indonesia, as well as increasing public trust, especially to return to using air transportation services, so that the acceleration of economic growth and tourism in Indonesia can be soon realized,” said Faik Fahmi shortly after receiving the award online.

Meanwhile, Chairman of the National Consumer Protection Agency (BPKN) Rizal E. Halim stated the importance of consumer protection in his remarks. “Trust in future economic prospects will affect national development and economic growth, thereby accelerating national economic recovery. We understand the key role of consumers, so that consumer protection must be supported by synergy between institutions,” he said.

39 institutions from the Central Government, Regional Government, BUMN, BUMD, and private business actors attended the award event. The assessment phase started on July 7, 2021 and went through a series of selection phases, including document analysis, questionnaire, and other supporting data. The Raksa Nugraha ranking consists of 5 levels, namely Diamond, Platinum, Gold, Silver, and Bronze.

As a company engaging in airport services, Angkasa Pura Airports is committed to consistently meeting safety, security, and service factors for airport service users, as well as compliance with airport and flight regulations.

In conducting its business activities, the Company is guided by regulations issued by the Government and internationally applicable regulations, including those issued by the International Civil Aviation Organization (ICAO), Airport Council International (ACI), and Transportation Security Administration (TSA). Fulfillment of these regulations is lowered into service standards run by the company at 15 managed airports, in order to achieve Level of Service for consumers using airport services.

To measure service quality, the Company periodically measures service quality standards based on Airport Service Quality standards from ACI, Customer Satisfaction Index from the Indonesian National Air Carrier Association (INACA), and Level of Service in accordance with Minister of Transportation Regulation No. PM 178 of 2015 on Service Standards for Airport Service Users.

“We consistently implement national and international regulations. As an airport operating company with international airports serving flights and passengers from all over the world, we are required to meet the service, safety and security standards set out in the very high level. Our commitment is to consistently meet, and even go beyond, the established standards,” Faik Fahmi continued.

In the last three years, the realization of AP I’s CSI-INACA and ASQ-ACI assessment indicators has continued to grow. From 2019 to 2021, the Company’s CSI-INACA score is 4.53; 4.60; and 4.67 on a scale of 1-5; and the ASQ-ACI score is 4.48; 4.66; and 4.90 on a scale of 1-5, respectively.

“Essentially, we actively listen to consumer voices for 24 hours through the company’s official social media, corporate website, and Contact Center 172. Consumer voices are highly important for us to improve service quality. Through consumer voices, we realized various service improvements, such as the provision of special needs service facilities for service users with special needs, multisensory rooms for children with special needs, and airport expansion and beautification,” Faik Fahmi concluded.
