Angkasa Pura Airports Sepakat Perbaiki Tata Kelola TKI

15 Jan 2015

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JAKARTA - Operation Director of Angkasa Pura Airports, Yushan Sayuti, attended the joint action plan evaluation meeting, entitled Improved Governance of Indonesian Workers (TKI) organized by KPK (14/01). The event was held at the Office of the Commission in the Kuningan area of Jakarta is intended to improve the governance system of Indonesian workers. The activity is a joint meeting attended by 19 agencies such as the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Ministry of Law and Human Rights, Ministry of Communications, Bank Indonesia, BNP2TKI, the Financial Services Authority (FSA), the Ombudsman, Angkasa Pura II, and others.

On this occasion presented action initiatives that have been undertaken by various agencies in order to reform the governance TKIs such as the provision of free legal aid services to prospective migrants, in order to centralize CCTV security at the airport, as well as non-cash payments in the entire business process of governance.

On this occasion, the 19 agencies included Angkasa Pura Airports are represented by Yushan Suyuti signed an agreement follow up the results of the evaluation of corrective action plan governance workers. The commitment of which is to improve the quality of protection to migrant workers, ensure migrant workers get a transparent service, fix and governance policies regarding the service and protection of migrant workers.

Angkasa Pura Airports which is the airport manager in central and eastern Indonesia in this case also serves the departure and return of migrant workers agreed to follow up the results of the evaluation. "We are ready to support the corrective action plan governance workers. In order to improve security, we have installed CCTV in airports we particularly airports serving the departure and the arrival of migrant workers. The results of CCTV are also very open to be accessible to anyone in the context of airport security purposes," Yushan Sayuti said.

At the forum Yushan Sayuti also explained that Angkasa Pura Airports always prioritize its airport service users as its main customer. "We strongly support the professionalism in providing services, for our workers are also our customers, therefore we do not differentiate the services we provide to workers and other passengers," he added. [PDRS]
