Angkasa Pura Airports Ready To Welcome The Opening of Bali Corridor For Overseas Travelers

31 Jan 2022

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Jakarta, January 31, 2022 - Angkasa Pura Airports as the operator of I Gusti Ngurah Rai Airport in Bali is ready to welcome the reopening of Bali corridor for overseas travelers (PPLN). Based on international flight plan data as of January 27, 2022, 3 airlines have officially proposed routes and obtained permits, namely Garuda Indonesia with the route of Narita - Bali on February 2, 2022, Singapore Airlines with the route of Singapore - Bali on February 16, 2022 and Batik Air with the route of Bali - Singapore.

“We are so excited to welcome the re-opening of international flight routes in Bali from 3 airlines, namely Garuda Indonesia, Singapore Airlines and Batik Air. In particular, Angkasa Pura I together with Immigration, KKP, Covid-19 Task Force and all relevant stakeholders at the airport have coordinated with each other to jointly prepare the scheme for the opening of Bali corridor for overseas travelers,” President Director of Angkasa Pura Airports, Faik Fahmi said.

The readiness of I Gusti Ngurah Rai Airport in Bali includes passenger journey from getting off the plane until overseas travelers are picked up by a vehicle to the quarantine hotel. The arrival process of overseas travelers at I Gusti Ngurah Rai Airport in Bali includes:

  1. Pre Flight: before flying to Bali, overseas travelers must fill out e-HAC through PeduliLindungi application, prepare a proof of a complete dose of vaccine, have a 3x24 hour PCR test results, fill out electronic customs declaration (e-CD), prepare the quarantine hotel booking document, confirm immigration documents and have travel insurance.
  2. Thermo Scanner: after landing, overseas travelers head to the arrival terminal and have their body temperature checked. Overseas travelers with a body temperature lower than 38 degrees Celsius can proceed to the next step, while those whose body temperature is above 38 degrees Celsius are directed to a further examination room. If the observations show that they are healthy, then overseas travelers can continue the next process. If the observation results state that they are not healthy, then the overseas travelers are referred to the hospital.
  3. Check Point: at this phase, overseas travelers will be served by officers where the overseas travelers input data on e-HAC and officers control data and print QR barcodes. There are 20 counters with a waiting capacity of 300 seats. Registration process time is about 1-2 minutes/tourist.
  4. KKP counter: at this phase, the Port Health Office (KKP) carries out inspection of health documents and overseas travelers tap QR barcode with a processing time of about 1 minute.
  5. RT-PCR SWAB: RT-PCR sampling for overseas travelers where there are 20 RT-PCR test booths with a sampling process time of about 1.5 minutes.
  6. Immigration: inspection of overseas travelers immigration documents by immigration officers where there are a total of 32 counters with a processing time of about 1 minute.
  7. Baggage Collection: overseas traveler’s baggage collection process on a conveyor belt is estimated to take 20 to 40 minutes.
  8. Customs: tapping electronic customs declaration (e-CD) with a processing time of 0.16 minutes.
  9. Holding Area: overseas travelers are waiting for the RT-PCR results, tap a QR code at check point and register hotel & transport with a processing time of 60 minutes. If the RT-PCR shows a positive result, overseas travelers will be taken to the hospital.
  10. Exit Control Desk: overseas travelers tap QR code at check point & confirms hotel and transport with a processing time of 30 seconds.
  11. Pick Up Zone: overseas travelers head to the pick-up area and head to the quarantine hotel.

In general, the time required for overseas travelers to go through the international arrival process at I Gusti Ngurah Rai Airport in Bali, including waiting for the RT-PCR results up to the pick-up process to the hotel, is 104 minutes or 1 hour 44 minutes.

Regarding the readiness of the RT-PCR test service for overseas travelers, Angkasa Pura Airports is collaborating with Bali Jimbaran Hospital to provide mobile lab facilities, 20 RT-PCR booths, and RT-PCR machines with a total capacity of 930 tests per hour.

Meanwhile, the departure process of overseas travelers from I Gusti Ngurah Rai Airport, Bali, includes:

  1. Pre Flight: passengers are required to prepare health documents in accordance with the destination country requirements and information communicated by the flight operator/ airline
  2. Thermo Scanner: overseas travelers with a body temperature lower than 38 degrees Celsius can proceed to the next step, while those whose body temperature is above 38 degrees Celsius are directed to a further examination room. If the observation results state that they are not healthy, then the overseas travelers are referred to the hospital.
  3. Avsec: Avsec will inspect overseas travelers, including inspection of flight documents and security checks.
  4. Check In: officers will check flight documents and health documents in accordance with the destination country requirements.
  5. Boarding Pass: overseas travelers tap boarding pass.
  6. Screening CheckPoint: security checks using X-rays.
  7. Immigration: inspection of immigration documents.
  8. Commercial Area and Waiting Room: Overseas travelers are waiting for flight time.

“Angkasa Pura Airports is committed to implementing the Covid-19 health protocol strictly and to support the realization of a safe and healthy trip for overseas travelers visiting Bali. We hope that all the efforts that have been made together with all relevant stakeholders can restore confidence in the aviation industry, particularly international airlines to fly to Bali and revitalize tourism and economy in Bali that has been severely affected by the Covid-19 pandemic,” Faik Fakmi added.
