Angkasa Pura Airports Implements New Domestic and International Air Travel Terms

18 May 2022

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Domestic travelers who have received the second and third doses of vaccination (booster) are not required to show a negative result of the RT-PCR or rapid antigen test

Jakarta, 18 May 2022 – Angkasa Pura Airports has started to implement new air transportation requirements at 15 airports under its management following the issuance of the Ministry of Transportation Circular Letter Number SE 56 of 2022 concerning Guidelines for the Implementation of Domestic Travel by Air Transportation during the Corona Virus Disease Pandemic. 2019 and the Circular Letter of the Ministry of Transportation Number SE 58 of 2022 concerning Instructions for Overseas Travel by Air Transportation during the 2019 Corona Virus Disease Pandemic which is effective as of Wednesday, 18 May 2022.

President Director of Angkasa Pura Airports Faik Fahmi welcomed the implementation of the new air travel requirements. "With the entry into force of the air travel requirements contained in the two Circulars of the Ministry of Transportation which took effect on Wednesday (18/05) today, it is hoped that it can increase the traffic of aircraft, passengers and cargo in the future, and in the end can have a positive impact on the world. tourism and aviation," said Faik Fahmi.

With the entry into force of the SE Ministry of Transportation Number SE 56 of 2022, the requirements for Domestic Travelers (PPDN) by air transportation during the Covid-19 pandemic are as follows:

  1. Mandatory to use PeduliLindung application;
  2. PPDN who have received the second and third doses of vaccination (booster) are not required to show a negative result of the RT-PCR test or rapid antigen test;
  3. For PPDN who have received the first dose of vaccination, they are required to show a negative result of the rapid antigen test whose sample was taken within 1 x 24 hours or a negative result of the RT-PCR test whose sample was taken within 3 x 24 hours before departure as a condition of travel;
  4. For PPDN with special health conditions or comorbid diseases that prevent travellers from receiving vaccinations, they are required to show a negative rapid test antigen result whose sample was taken within 1 x 24 hours or a negative result of an RT-PCR test whose sample was taken within 1 x 24 hours. 3 x 24 hours before departure as a travel requirement and must attach a doctor's certificate from a Government Hospital stating that the person concerned has not and/or cannot take the Covid-19 vaccination;
  5. PPDN under the age of 6 years are exempt from vaccination requirements and are not required to show a negative RT-PCR or rapid antigen test result, but must travel with a travel companion who has complied with the provisions for vaccination and Covid-19 examination.

The requirements for Foreign Travel Actors (PPLN) in accordance with the SE of the Ministry of Transportation Number SE 58 of 2022 are as follows:

  1.  PPLN is required to use the PeduliLindung application and download the application before departure;
  2. Show that the card/certificate (physical or digital) has received the second dose of Covid-19 vaccine at least 14 (fourteen) days before departure as a requirement to enter Indonesia;
  3. In the event that the PPLN is detected to have no symptoms related to Covid-19 and has a body temperature below 37.5 degrees Celsius, it can continue the journey with the following conditions:
  • For PPLNs who have not been able to get vaccinated or have received the first dose of vaccine at least 14 days before departure, they are required to quarantine for 5 x 24 hours and must carry out a second RT-PCR test on the 4th day of quarantine. If the result is negative then the PPLN is allowed to continue the journey;
  • For PPLN who have received the second or third dose of vaccine at least 14 days before departure, they are allowed to continue their journey;
  • For PPLN under 18 years of age and/or in need of special protection, the quarantine arrangements follow the provisions imposed on their parents or caregivers/travel companions; or
  • For PPLNs with special health conditions or comorbid diseases that cause travellers to have not and/or are unable to take part in the Covid-19 vaccination, they are allowed to continue their journey by attaching a doctor's certificate from the Government Hospital of the country of departure stating that the person concerned has not and/or cannot following the Covid-19 vaccination.

Circular Letter Number SE 58 of 2022 also stipulates 9 airports managed by Angkasa Pura Airports as PPLN entry points, namely Juanda Airport Surabaya, I Gusti Ngurah Rai Airport, Bali, Sam Ratulangi Airport Manado, Zainuddin Abdul Madjid Airport Lombok, Sultan Hasanuddin Airport Makassar, Airport Yogyakarta International Airport, Adi Soemarmo Solo Airport, Syamsuddin Noor Airport Banjarmasin, and Sultan Aji Muhammad Sulaiman Sepinggan Airport Balikpapan.

Adi Soemarmo Solo Airport, Syamsuddin Noor Airport Banjarmasin, and SAMS Sepinggan Airport Balikpapan are only intended as entry points for Hajj flights which will be opened from June 4 to August 15, 2022.

Faik Fahmi also responded positively to the policy of easing the use of masks outdoors which was conveyed in a press statement by the President of the Republic of Indonesia on 17 May. "The policy of easing the use of masks outside or in open spaces conveyed by President Joko Widodo yesterday is certainly a positive signal in the handling of Covid-19 in Indonesia which is getting better. However, we urge the public who use airport services to always be orderly in implementing health protocols and always use a mask in the airport terminal and on the plane in accordance with applicable regulations," concluded Faik Fahmi.
