Angkasa Pura Airports Conducts Selection Process Of Siswa Mengenal Nusantara Program In Central Java

19 Jul 2019

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JAKARTA - Angkasa Pura Airports along with state-owned plantation companies PT Perkebunan Nusantara (PTPN) IX and PT Perkebunan Nusantara X, state-owned industrial estate developer PT Kawasan Industri Wijayakusuma (KIW) and Central Java Education and Culture Agency conducted a selection process of Siswa Mengenal Nusantara (Students Knowing the Archipelago).

The activity is one of the series of BUMN Hadir Untuk Negara (SOE Presents for the Country) programs in 2019 in Central Java held at the All Stay Hotel in Semarang on July 17 to July 18, 2019 and attended by 49 high school/vocational honor students throughout Central Java.

As many as 20 honor students who passed the selection process come from several high schools & vocational schools both in regencies/cities of Central Java. Later, there will be three students with special needs from the school for the disabled (SLB) participating in the program. Therefore, there will be 23 students in total. The students who have passed the selection process have gone through various written tests on general knowledge and interviews about nationalism, local potential, local culture & entrepreneurship.

"The best students from Central will go to North Sulawesi to join in a 7-day student exchange program accompanied by two exemplary teachers and one official from the Central Java Education and Culture Agency," said Angkasa Pura Airports corporate communication senior manager Awaluddin.

During the exchange program in North Sulawesi, students will receive various lessons and training that are expected to be able to add insight, strengthen self-character, and foster a sense of love for the nation. Some of the trainings include the introduction of SOE, journalistic training, state defense training, and the introduction of North Sulawesi’s culture and arts.

The Student Know the Archipelago program aims to instill a sense of pride and love for the homeland from an early age to high school and vocational school students as well as students with special needs. This year, Angkasa Pura Airports has the opportunity to be a SOE coordinator to execute the SOE Presents for the Country program in Central Java together with PTPN IX, PTPN X and Wijayakusuma Industrial Estate (KIW). [AD]
