Angkasa Pura Airports Bersama Kementerian Perhubungan Gelar Kampanye Keselamatan Penerbangan

14 Apr 2015

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SURABAYA - Ministry of Transportation organized Aviation Safety Campaign event in the framework of educational programs and increased understanding of aviation safety are governed by various regulations issued by the Ministry of Transportation. The event took place on Sunday (12/04) at Taman Bungkul Surabaya, and coincides with Car Free Day (CFD).

The event was opened by the Director General of Civil Aviation Ministry of Transportation and was attended by the Director of the Ministry of Transportation, along with Director of AirNav Indonesia, Angkasa Pura Airports, PT Angkasa Pura II, Garuda Indonesia, Director of the National Airline, Government of East Java, Surabaya City Government, as well as all stakeholders in the field of aviation.

The event began with a welcome from the Director General of Civil Aviation, Ir. Suprasetyo, followed by the release of doves and followed by a leisurely stroll along the Darmo Surabaya street. "This flight safety campaign aims to increase public awareness of the importance of adhering to regulations in a flight," said Suprasetyo in his speech.

Suprasetyo pointed out things that are often violated by the aircraft passengers do not turn off the phone in the plane, another example that is often violated is a seat belt or seat belts are not used and carrying prohibited items in the plane such as scissors, knives and lighters. "This Campaign serves as a direct education for the community to raise awareness of the importance of adhering to flight safety regulations," said Suprasetyo.

Also present at the event, Technical Director of Angkasa Pura Airports, Polana B. Pramesti, accompanied by General Manager Surabaya Juanda International Airport, Trikora Harjo.

"Angkasa Pura Airports participated in this Flight Safety Campaign event and participate educate aviation safety directly to the people of Surabaya, as a form of information services to the community in Surabaya." Trikora Harjo said, on the sidelines of the event.

In this campaign, in addition to carrying posters and banners, brochures are also distributed consist of instructions and rules on aviation safety. [Citra Mahesa Nusantara / source: SUB PR]
