Angkasa Pura Airports akan Bangun Akses Jalan Penghubung T1 ke T2 Bandara Juanda

10 Nov 2014

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Surabaya-  Angkasa Pura Airports immediately build access roads connecting from Terminal 1 to Terminal 2 Juanda International Airport. Along the 3.4 kilometer, road to facilitate passengers who will change the terminal. According to General Manager Angkasa Pura Airports Juanda International Airport Branch, Trikora Hardjo construction of access roads connecting takes 8 months.

"During development, we will coordinate with the airport authority III region so that we could use the road for special vehicles (buses) that can still provide services," he told reporters on Thursday (06/11/2014). While the Airport Authority Head of Region III, M Alwi discussion of the use of the access road connecting from T1 to T2 is a follow up meeting with the DGCA.

"Discussing plans to implement connecting flight from T1 to T2 and discuss mitigation and evaluation should be done Angkasa Pura before using the access road connecting" he said. According to Alwi, mitigation and evaluation should be done to solve the problems of land including the State Property Agency or Lanudal and Ministry of Public Works for the closure of the river with a box culvert. "Therefore, we recommend that perform evaluation and mitigation including the safety factor," he concluded. [Pardika Dewi RS / Source: Detik.com]
