Bandara Juanda Siapkan Thermal Scanner untuk Deteksi Suhu Badan Penumpang

10 Nov 2014

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Surabaya - Juanda International Airport prepare Thermal Scanner to detect the body temperature of passengers who had just returned from abroad. This step is performed to detect passengers who contracted Ebola virus. "We've got a detector temperature body temperature. If the temperature found in the examination of passengers more than the normal body temperature or higher than 28 degrees Celsius, it will separate the port health officer and make observations," said General Manager Angkasa Pura Airports branch Juanda, Trikora Hardjo, to detikcom on Monday (03/11/2014). 

Thermal scanners were installed in Terminal 1 and 2 Juanda consists of a set of tools CCTV, body temperature detector box, as well as an alarm and monitor. He added that the existence of the port healt. In addition to the international arrivals terminal 2, thermo scanners are also prepared in the international arrivals terminal Juanda Airport Terminal 1. "If you are in Terminal 1 as a scanner gate that can be directly detected body temperature but it works the same as here (Terminal 2) and thank God, to date there are no passengers who arrived affected by ebola virus at Juanda," said Trikora. [Pardika Dewi RS / Source: Detik.com] 
