Ancaman Bom di Bandara Internasional Adi Sutjipto Berhasil Diamankan dalam Hitungan Menit

23 May 2014

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Yogyakarta – Three suspicious people walked in and out the international departure terminal of Adi Sutjipto International Airport, on Thursday (22/5). Observing the monitor of the CCTV, the airport officer noticed these three suspects went back and forth at the departure area and seemed to be planning something but occasionally they mingled with other passengers.

Upon monitoring the situation, the airport security team gave instructions to tighten the security and enhance caution. Soon after, the X-Ray Operator at the airport detected a suspicious object inside the bag carried by one of the suspects. The Security Team examined the object to determine whether it was part of a weapon. When confronted during the manual bag examination, the suspect denied by saying numerous reasons. He also tried to run away and was resistant in his arrest but the airport aviation security (avsec) officers were able seize and detained him.

Knowing that one of his counterparts had been caught, the two other members of this suspicious group tried to take one of the passengers as hostage. Being aware that the suspects were unarmed, the avsec officers along with other passengers succeeded in apprehending the suspects. Then, these three perpetrators were led to the examination room for questioning. At first, the three suspects were unwilling and sometimes threatening the examiners. Upon reviewing the recording from the CCTV, the officers  were able to identify the perpetrators that had entered the terminal through an underpass and they had left a package between the wall and the elevator partition. The airport security team directly combed the underpass and found a suspicious object that looked like a bomb. They directly cleared the perimeter and put up the Security Line in the underpass area. The Commander of Adi SutjiptoAirport instructed his men to screen the crime scene and called the bomb squad. The bomb was safely detonated in the northern parking area of Adi Sutjipto Airport in just a few minutes.

This was just a scenario from the 76th Aerospace Emergency Response (PKD) by Angkasa Pura I of Adi Sutjipto Yogyakarta International Airport branch. This designed situation was planned as a simulation practice to support the commitment of Angkasa Pura I of Adi Sutjipto Airport branch in evaluating the performance of the airport including the capacity of the human resources, the instruments and operational equipments in supporting the alertness of the officers, especially in emergency condition.

This PKD practice was not the first time. The series of these PKD activities was not only a simulation in handling a bomb, but also together with the simulation of airplane crashes and fire emergency simulation at the international departure terminal. The General Manager of Adi Sutjipto International Airport, Andi Gunawan Wirson, said that by practicing this emergency response, they will always be ready to face any kind of risks and reduce the risk. [Pardika Dewi Retno S.]
