2014, Bandara Sepinggan Proyeksikan Laba Rp 542 Miliar

05 Apr 2014

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BALIKPAPAN - In line with operation of new terminal Sepinggan International Airport, the party from Angkasa Pura Airports of Sepinggan International Airport Branch Balikpapan projects the company revenues in this year could break through Rp. 542 billions. Such income projection was said by the Finance and IT Department Head Angkasa Pura Airports of Sepinggan International Airport Branch Balikpapan Sugiarto Panca K, is higher than the company revenues realization last year that reached Rp. 222 billions. “It was the total income. If the profit before tax last year, it realization reached Rp. 99 billion,” He explained in Kaltim Post, Friday (4/4).

Meanwhile, in 2012 ago, Sepinggan International Airport Balikpapan recorded the operational income reached Rp. 231 billion with the total profit reached Rp. 105 billion since the management of air was still under the Angkasa Pura Airports. Panca explains that this new airport operational is the new age of management of Sepinggan International Airport Balikpapan. By the concept of better service and the existence of mall with butique concept is convinved to boost up the income in the future.

“Starting last year, the management of air side was no longer in Angkasa Pura Airports, in fact, the income potential of air side management can reach a number more less Rp.20 billions. If only we did not yet prepare several sides to cover the lack of this air side, one of them is commercial area,” He said.

Panca continued, the profit achievement of this Balikpapan’s people proudly airport last year was in the third stage of airport managed by Angkasa Pura Airports after Ngurah Rai International Airport and Juanda International Airport. Panca explains, such position was quite good since the two other airports above Sepinggan Balikpapan constitutes airports with the domestic and international passangers composition that relatively balanced. While Sepinggan International Airport is still dominated by domestic passangers until this day.

In addition to a wider and complete commercial areas in the airport that takes 1,8 trillion, Panca said the PJP2U rate also become the most dominated side againts income in the Angkasa Pura Airports. “Hopefully the realization can be more higher than our projection,” He hoped. [Diani Sekaring Sejati/Source: Kaltim Pos]
