Website Angkasa Pura Airports Jadi Nominasi BUMN Web Awards 2014

03 Oct 2014

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JAKARTA - Corporate Website Angkasa Pura Airports (www.angkasapura1.co.id) entered as one of the nominees in the event the "SOE Web Awards 2014" organized by BeritaSatu.com. This award is given to state-owned companies that have been using its corporate website as a means of communication and digital transactions properly. 

Website Angkasa Pura Airports in the category of warehousing and transportation sector with 10 other nominees. Selection is carried out early event in early September 2014 and by the jury consisting of Dr. Ir. Muhammad Said Didu (former Secretary of the Ministry of Enterprise), Nila Marita (PR practitioner), Nukman Luthfie (web specialist) Abang Edwin SA (community specialist), Primus Dorimulu (Chief Beritasatu.com), and Pingkan Irwin (Head of Digital Media Strategy BeritaSatu Holdings). 

Initial selection process is involving 139 SOE websites. Then, as many as 48 websites SOE passed to go to the next stage. Website Angkasa Pura Airports otherwise meet the four criteria set organizers, the website is actively used, enter the Indonesian Alexa rank, web manager update the information not later than four months, and recorded a technical error under 150. 

All 48 of the SOE website will be assessed by a jury based on criteria established in the jury meeting. "Sign in as a nomination in the arena of web SOE Award 2014 is one proof of the commitment of Angkasa Pura Airports in providing disclosure to the public," said Corporate Secretary Angkasa Pura Airports Farid Indra Nugraha in Jakarta, Thursday (2/10). Previously, Angkasa Pura Airports successfully achieved IV Rating Agency Public Disclosure Award 2013 organized by SOEs Category Central Information Commission (KIP) in 2013. 

In the next stage, in addition to assessment will be carried out by the jury, there is a special award that is "SOE Web Readers' Choice". In this respect, the public is given the opportunity to participate chose to SOE website. Assessment process is using the polling method. "We appealed to all beings Angkasa Pura Airports both at head office and branches to participate actively by voting in this poll. Each click means a given percentage to increase the number of votes," added Farid. Nowadays, ranking Angkasa Pura Airports is ranked second with a percentage of about 25%. To provide support, please click here. [Yuristo Ardhi Hanggoro] 
