The New Yogyakarta Airport, Harapan Baru Yogyakarta

10 Feb 2015

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Jakarta - President Director of Angkasa Pura Airports, Tommy Soetomo said it would prepare a draft development of a new airport in Kulon Progo Regency of Yogyakarta Special Region to be ideal as an international airport. "The new airport Yogya is going to be a modern airport with intermoda facilities," Tommy said on the sidelines of a meeting with Yogyakarta Governor Sri Sultan HB X in Keraton Kilen Yogyakarta Thursday, 5 February 2015.

Intermoda means intended is the special lanes of train that can directly access the airport area. Angkasa Pura Airports together with the Minister of Transport Ignasius Jonan on Thursday checked the construction site of a replacement airport of Adisucipto Airport in Temon Progo Regency. After a check of prospective airports, Jonan and Angkasa Pura Minister held a meeting with the Government of DIY, and the National Land Agency Happenings dialogue stages of development that will stand up in 630 acres of land it.

Tommy said, the initial design concept of the new airport of Yogyakarta has a runway at least 3,250 meters. Yogyakarta Adisucipto Old airport currently only has a 2,200 meter runway. "With the runway, the largest passenger aircraft can go," said Tommy.

Potentially To embarkation Hajj

Not only Asia and Europe are predicted to open access to its direct flights. With the influx of large aircraft, said Tommy, it is possible Yogya into new Hajj embarkation area with a direct path to the holy land. "From Yogya be able directly to Jidda, no need to stop by Dhoha, Qatar, Dubai," said Tommy.

Angkasa Pura Airports also encouraged the establishment of a new airport Yogya in the southern coastal region was followed by local government's intention to build supporting infrastructure and investment in order to raise public employment.

For the first stage, Angkasa Pura Airports allocate 110 thousand square meters of land area to build the first airport terminal. These terminals will be equipped aircraft parking facilities (parking stand) as many as 40 units.

"Point parking eight times more than (airport) Adisucipto," said Tommy. But the number of aircraft parking is possible points will also increase because the total allocation of land for a new airport terminal is already allocated 200 thousand square meters.

Tommy not mention the total estimated cost for the construction of a new airport can accommodate Yogya targeted 15 million passengers annually it. Only for the terminal, Angkasa Pura Airports prepare a budget of 1 trillion. "All (financing) is still of Angkasa Pura Airports alone," said Tommy.

The target for the new airport was completed in February 2015 a public consultation phase. And the process of issuing permits by the government DIY Location Determination. After that, the National Land Agency will process the airport land acquisition which includes land belonging to 2,500 heads of families from five villages Temon. Namely are Jangkaran, Paliyan, Kebonrejo, Sindutan, and Glagah.

""The acquisition of land this year completed, in 2016 to 2017 development, and in 2018 to operate,"said Tommy about airport development targets.

Yogyakarta Governor Sri Sultan Hamengkubuwono X states, if Angkasa Pura timely public consultation stage, the document can be issued immediately IPL local government. "We will accelerate its IPL so public consultation is completed," said Sultan. [DSS / Source: Tempo / Photo: Akhwin Dinata, Airport Photo Contest 2014]
