Supporting the Development of SMEs in Yogyakarta, Angkasa Pura Airports Provides Digital Marketing Training to Fostered Partners

20 Sep 2021

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JAKARTA – Angkasa Pura Airports is consistently committed to supporting the development of regional Small and Medium Enterprises (SMEs) as a form of Corporate Social Responsibility to the community. This was realized through the provision of digital marketing training for fostered SMEs in the Special Region of Yogyakarta (DIY).

Digital marketing training for fostered SMEs is a form of Branch Office Social and Environmental Responsibility Program (Coaching for Fostered Partners) in the Economic Pillar conducted by Yogyakarta International Airport in Kulon Progo where the training was held virtually for two days on September 14-15, 2021. The training was attended by 45 fostered partners from municipalities/regencies in the Special Region of Yogyakarta.

“Angkasa Pura Airports always strives to contribute to the development of SMEs, especially the Company’s fostered partners, so that the SMEs can survive in the midst of the pandemic. The training is the Company’s routine program for fostered partners to improve their competitiveness, especially in the midst of the pandemic. Therefore, with the increase in digital activities during the pandemic, fostered partners received digital marketing training with the target of customers, most of whom have turned to digital technology,” said Vice President Corporate Secretary of Angkasa Pura Airports, Handy Heryudhitiawan.

In providing the two-day training, Angkasa Pura Airports collaborated with MarkPlus Institute where the material “Digital Marketing for a Better Business: Doing Business Through a Marketplace for SMEs” was delivered by Naning, Head of MarkPlus Institute Central Java and DIY Region. Naning said, “The material prepared for the knowledge enrichment for the participants is on deepening business in the business era based on digital technology. It is hoped that the participants can make business adjustments in the midst of rapid technological developments, and the participants can use digital technology to create branding and promote their businesses.”

Handy Heryudhitiawan said that the theme “Digital Marketing for a Better Business” is in accordance with the conditions of New Habit Adaptation Period where the pandemic has changed the shopper behavior to shop more online, thus technology is able to open up opportunities for business actors to adapt in the digital era. Business actors are encouraged to take advantage of digital technology in order to develop their business.

“It is hoped that through the training, the participants can gain knowledge and insight, especially regarding development of marketplace business, such as how to improve and analyze sales performance and business performance,” said Handy.

Priyo Nugroho (Mandiri Craft), a fostered partner from Kulon Progo Regency, expressed his appreciation and hope to be able to continue to grow in the midst of increasingly tight business competition in the digital era. “The coaching and training provides enthusiasm and motivation for us to continue to innovate and develop our respective businesses, especially in developing a business during the pandemic,” he added.

In addition to digital marketing training, in the same month, Yogyakarta International Airport in Kulon Progo under the management of Angkasa Pura I has implemented a Halal Certification Program for 4 (four) fostered partners in Yogyakarta. The program has been implemented as a form of achieving the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) through the development of capacity and products of the fostered partners. The program also encouraged and supported fostered partners to advance to a higher level and developed their business products.
