Sultan: Lokasi Bandara Kulon Progo Tidak Akan Dipindah

09 Oct 2014

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JAKARTA - Governor of the Special Region of Yogyakarta (DIY) Sri Sultan Hamengkubuwono X was not disputed about the refusal of Kulon Progo citizens, Yogyakarta, related to the new airport development plan in Kulon Progo, Yogyakarta. He did not dispute hundreds of Glagah, Kulon Progo, who joined the Wahana Tri Tunggal Forum (WTT) came to the governor's office to deliver the refusal of the airport. 

According to Sultan, hundreds of WTT action is a form of public aspirations for infrastructure development in the region. But he was not aware that WTT people want to see him. "It is okay as aspirations. No problem. But I do not know the schedule of meetings, I have not received the schedule.I will right away come," Sultan said in Parliament DIY Wednesday (08/10/2014). 

Sultan assess the rejection of affected residents by the development plans are common and humane. However, the plan to build a new airport should continue to run. "It’s as usual, there are some of them agreed, and else who did not agree. It’s humane," he said. Sultan said the current process of airport development plan is still in the stage of socialization. After sosialization stage is complete there will be a public consultation phase which will be theplace of the aspirations of citizens, especially residents who refuse. 

Sultan invited citizens who reject the construction of a new airport to shed their complaints. "It's still in the socialization phase which there is not any dialogue. Due to the rules of the process as it is. Later there will a second socialization. on the previous meeting was not talking price. In the first socialization should not talk price," he said. Sultan insisted it would not move the location of the planned Local Government DIY before. This is to ward demand Glagah residents, Kulon Progo, Yogyakarta, who wants removal of the construction site of a new airport in DIY. [Pardika Dewi RS / Source: Liputan6.com]
