Strengthening Mitigation and Evacuation Systems at Yogyakarta International Airport, Angkasa Pura Airports And BMKG Holds Earthquake And Tsunami Disaster Simulation

02 Apr 2022

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KULON PROGO - Angkasa Pura Airports  together with the Yogyakarta Meteorological, Climatological and Geophysical Agency (BMKG) held an earthquake and tsunami disaster simulation to strengthen the mitigation system, determine the potential and readiness of Yogyakarta International Airport (YIA) as an evacuation area for the safety of service users and the community in Kulon Progo.

The education on disaster mitigation and simulation system involved the entire airport community, including airlines, ground handling, AirNav Indonesia, BPBD DIY, Basarnas, as well as community representatives from Glagah and Palihan Villages, Kulon Progo. The simulation was carried out with the worst scenario, namely 8.8 M Megathrust Earthquake with a tsunami height of more than 3 meters.

“Implementation of the earthquake and tsunami simulation with the Yogyakarta BMKG is the right step to jointly increase YIA’s preparedness with all stakeholders in dealing with potential disasters. We highly appreciate the synergy and collaboration of all parties involved, including the community in Kulon Progo and hope that the simulation can be conducted continuously,” AP I’s President Director, Faik Fahmi said. 

The BMKG Earthquake and Tsunami Mitigation Coordinator, Dr. Daryono explained that the potential for a megathrust earthquake in the South Indian Ocean (Central Java and Yogyakarta) could trigger a potential tsunami in the YIA area. “However, YIA’s regular and continuous mitigation readiness, simulation, and education will be able to minimize the impact of disasters that arise, to zero victims. BMKG and Angkasa Pura Airports  have collaborated to place an early warning system at the airport as early detection of disasters,” he explained.

“With excellent mitigation system, speed and accuracy of the personnel, they will effectively manage the crisis. For example, Sendai International Airport in Japan can achieve zero victims due to its proper mitigation readiness and fast response. We believe that YIA will become a pilot earthquake and tsunami resilient airport. Moreover, Yogyakarta International Airport has activated the Airport Operation Control Center (AOCC),” Daryono added.

YIA was constructed with disaster mitigation preparedness, such as liquefaction, earthquake, tsunami, flood, and volcanic ash. In terms of infrastructure, YIA was designed and constucted to withstand an 8.8 magnitude earthquake, with an epicenter 400 meters from the shoreline, and the terminal building foundation used 26 meter depth bored piles. 

YIA Terminal Building is the first mega-scale structure in Indonesia specifically designed to deal with shocks caused by 8.8 magnitude earthquake due to the meeting of the Australian plate and the Asian plate, with a relatively close distance and also facing the aftershock of a tsunami. The terminal building was also designed with increased strength to function properly after an earthquake occurs. In fact, the building can also be used as a tsunami evacuation site as part of emergency preparedness.

As a tsunami disaster mitigation, YIA was designed to deal with earthquakes and tsunamis with a maximum projected height of 12.8 MSL (Mean Sea Level). Based on the projection, if the tsunami occurs, it will take 35 minutes to reach the Terminal Building. In addition, YIA has a 4-story Crisis Center Building with an area of 5,284 square meters, as an evacuation site to accommodate 1,000 people.

“We are committed to ensure that collaboration in organizing socialization, education to the public and the airport community, as well as simulations of disaster mitigation can be carried out on a regular and periodic basis. If the unavoidable disaster occurs, together we can seek to evacuate as many service users and communities as possible in YIA’s environment. The public should not hesitate to use the airport as the nearest evacuation area. Moreover, YIA has Airport Operation Control Center (AOCC) to carry out the functions of control center, coordination, communication, and collaboration between units and all stakeholders at YIA,” YIA’s Acting General Manager, Agus Pandu Purnama said.

Rosyifudin, a representative of Palihan village, also expressed his appreciation and optimism that YIA is able to become earthquake and tsunami-resilient airport. We feel relieved with development process and operations of YIA as there will be a safe nearest evacuation place for us  in the future,” he explained.
