Sosialisasi Sistem Administrasi Perkantoran (SAP) Kantor Pusat

05 Feb 2015

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JAKARTA - A company can not be run if it is not equipped with Office Administration System (SAP) which is carried out appropriately. This is what underlies the implementation of SAP for socialization held at the Head Office Building Center For Excellence (CFE) on February 4, 2015. This event was attended by the Department Head, secretaries and administrators who in their daily work in contact directly with SAP.

In his speech, Handy Heryudhitiawan as Corporate Communication Department Head representing the Corporate Secretary explained that the Office Administration System (SAP) is very important to note because the slightest administrative error can open up opportunities for the occurrence of a large problem. "The process of administration should be considered carefully, especially in the storage of records or documents so that if needed in the future is not difficult to look for it," said Handy.

The participants were very enthusiastic socialization of the event, as evidenced by the many questions asked. The average participant asked about the mailing administration such as memos, letters and other administrative exit. Socialization is opening the minds of the participants that office administration system is a system that plays an important role in the operations of a company and its implementation is not as easy as imagined. After headquarters, socialization will be continued in all branches. (AM)
