Serikat Pekerja Angkasa Pura I Gelar Musyawarah Cabang

03 Feb 2015

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JAKARTA - Unions of Angkasa Pura Branch Meeting held in 2015 (03/02). The event was held at Graha Angkasa Pura I, Jakarta was attended by PTS. Human Capital and General Affairs Director, the Group Head, whole and Branch Council (DPC) members Angkasa Pura I. Trade Unions Congress, which was attended by 86 participants, is intended for the conclave Unions Angkasa Pura I period 2015 - 2020.

Through voting, three candidates elected chairman are Adityia Wibisono of Human Capital, Dewa Rian of General Affairs, and Iwan Sanusi of Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP). Of the three made the next round of voting to elect a chairman of Dewa Rian Unions of Angkasa Pura I, with the acquisition of 53 votes.

"My vision is to build a free trade union, independent in the welfare of employees, as well as improving the quality and livelihood of employees," said Dewa Rian in his speech. "With the improvement of the quality, the expected sense of solidarity and brotherhood among employees can be improved, in order to realize the superior performance of the company," he continued. [CMN / edited by DSS]
