Peringati Maulid Nabi dengan Pembinaan Kepribadian dan Santunan Anak Yatim

22 Jan 2015

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JAKARTA - Angkasa Pura Airports held a ceremony to commemorate the birth of the Prophet Muhammad in 1436 H through Islamic speech (tausiyah) and giving donations to orphans, Thursday (01/22). A birthday commemoration is the theme Fostering Shaksiyyah / Personality with teachings of the Prophet.

 The event was held at the Multipurpose Building Graha Angkasa Pura Airports was attended by Operation Director Yushan Sayuti, Finance & IT Director Gunawan A. Subrata, and Technical Director Polana B. Pramesti. Also present at the event was the director of Gapura Angkasa, the director of a subsidiary of Angkasa Pura Airports, all people of Angkasa Pura Airports of Headquarters in Jakarta, and the representatives of the company and around the office Angkasa Pura Airports.

"By commemorating the Prophet's birthday, we will also be closer to Allah. I invite assemblies and myself to always send blessings on the Prophet."  Yushan said in his speech. The event continued with the provision of compensation to 100 orphans by Yushan Sayuti and Polana B. Pramesti.

On that occasion, Angkasa Pura Airports invited speaker KH. Jacob Mustafa Ali, Imam Masjid Istiqlal. The event was attended by 500 people was closed with a lunch together. [DSS]
