Peresmian Media Centre dan Peluncuran Logo 50 Tahun Angkasa Pura Airports

03 Jan 2014

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JAKARTA - Angkasa Pura Airports President Director Tommy Soetomo inaugurated the Media Center of Angkasa Pura Airports at Grha Angkasa Pura I, Kemayoran, Jakarta, Friday morning (03/01). In this occasion, Tommy also launched the official logo of the 5Oth anniversary of Angkasa Pura Airports.

"This Media Center is a special media used to facilitate our fellow journalists in covering and getting information related to Angkasa Pura Airports. In welcoming the 50th anniversary, we will be more open and responsive in serving fellow journalists. We believe that through the role played by journalists Angkasa Pura Airports becomes more popular and loved by the community," said Tommy.

In a series of activities in the inauguration of the media center and launch of the logo of its 50th anniversary, Angkasa Pura Airports also made a press conference, attended by tens of printed and electronic media journalists. The fellow journalists used this opportunity to get information directly from Tommy Soetomo, especially on the company’s projection, plan, and targets in year 2014. "In February 2014, Sepinggan Balikpapan Airport and Terminal 2 (T2) of Juanda Surabaya Airport will be officiated. In addition to those two major projects, we also plan to increase the capacity of several airports, such as the development and improvement of the capacity of Ahmad Yani Airport, Semarang, Syamsuddin Noor Airport in Banjarmasin, Sultan Hasanuddin Airport in Makassar, and construction of a new airport in Yogyakarta," explained Tommy before the journalists.

The official opening of the media center was marked by the cutting of ribbon and cutting of yellow cone (tumpeng) rice by Tommy Soetomo accompanied by Technical Director Polana B Pramesti and Human Capital and General Affair Director Daan Achmad. The cut of the cone rice was given by Tommy to the Corporate Secretary, Farid Indra Nugraha. Earlier, on the first Friday in year 2014, a mass gymnastic was organized and attended by officials and employees of the Head Office of Angkasa Pura Airports, affiliates, YAKKAP I, and Dapenra. [Arif Haryanto]
