Peduli Kesehatan Jantung, Angkasa Pura Airports Laksanakan Seminar dan Screening Jantung Koroner

13 Apr 2016

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JAKARTA - Heart Health care, Angkasa Pura Airports in cooperation with the Harapan Kita Hospital conducting "Seminar and Screening of Coronary Heart Disease", on Wednesday (13/04/2016) morning. The event was held at the Multipurpose Building Graha Angkasa Pura I Jakarta was attended by 150 employees of Angkasa Pura I. The event was opened by the Human Capital and General Affairs Director of Angkasa Pura Airports, Adi Nugroho. 

"The seminars and coronary heart disease screening is intended to increase employee awareness Angkasa Pura Airports against heart disease. this disease should be payed attention because it is the number 1 killer in the world," said Adi.

The event followed by a presentation of heart health education by dr. Abdul Halim Reynald, SP. JP and education of heart healthy food by Nora Fitri Setia (nutritionist). "Coronary heart disease is caused by narrowing of the blood vessels, so that blood flow and oxygen to the heart is reduced," said dr. Abdul. There are several risk factors that can be minimized to avoid the disease, such as maintaining the stability of blood pressure, blood sugar, and the level of cholesterol.

To prevent coronary heart disease, it may take some effort as a healthy lifestyle through healthy eating, diet, exercise regularly, and stop smoke. During the seminar took place, carried out in the form of heart screening cardiovascular risk factor screening, EKG, and physician consultation was attended by 100 employees over the age of 50 years. [DSS]
