Diklat Salvage di Bandara Juanda Resmi Ditutup

11 Apr 2016

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SURABAYA - Salvage Training Force III held at Juanda Airport in Surabaya on March 23, on 8 April 2016 was officially closed by the Human Capital and General Affairs Director of Angkasa Pura Airports, Adi Nugroho (04/08/2016). Training was attended by 20 participants from 13 branches of the airport and the headquarters of Angkasa Pura Airports.

"Salvage equipment is used to move the aircraft damaged by an accident at the airport movement area or nearby, and it takes a skilled and licensed personnel to operate it," said Adi interrupted the closing ceremony of the training.

During 120 hours of lessons, all 20 participants get a variety of materials related to salvage as team building salvage, the introduction of the types of aircraft and the type of equipment salvage, positioning and location of the aircraft, the procedure of transfer of aircraft, maintenance and grooming tools Salvage, to coaching mental, physical, and disciplined personnel.

"Thank God, all the training participants passed with an average value of 80.2 participants. Based on the test results salvage license issuance by the Directorate of Flight Security is on 6-7 April 2016, all participants passed," said Adi.

From salvagetraining the selected three participants with the top values, namely Yudha Setia Pama State (Juanda Airport in Surabaya), the Topan Rahima Putra (Airport I Gusti Ngurah Rai Bali), and Anak Agung Ngurah Agung Mahendra Putra (Airport I Gusti Ngurah Rai Bali), [DSS]
