Pantau Kinerja, Komisi VI DPR RI Laksanakan Kunjungan Kerja ke Bandara Juanda Surabaya

20 Feb 2015

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Surabaya - Having previously been carrying out specific working visit in Bali, the Commission VI of the House of Representatives re-reviewing one of the airports under the management of Angkasa Pura Airports. This time, the working group of the Commission VI, chaired by Azam Azman Natawijana of the Democratic Party, the opportunity to visit Surabaya Juanda International Airport on Tuesday (17/2). Azam along with 12 other members of the Commission VI located in East Java in the context of specific working visit to East Java province on Trial Period II Session Year 2015 "Specification visit the constitutional duty of the House in order to perform supervisory functions and oversee government policies, especially related to SOE" explains Azam.

Before carrying out a review into the airport, the delegation was greeted by President Director of Angkasa Pura Airports, Tommy Soetomo which was accompanied by the General Manager Juanda International Airport, Trikora Harjo in Airport Operations Building (AOB) Juanda Airport. During the meeting, Tommy describes the operational and financial performance Angkasa Pura Airports for 5 (five) years. "In short it can be mentioned that the financial performance grows very well in spite of the Company is aggressively implementing the construction of several airports," said Tommy.

While on the operating performance, customer satisfaction index score or Customer Satisfaction Index (CSI) increases exponentially. "In addition to improved governance of the airport operations safety and security aspects, the increase contributed by many CSI scores improved acceleration capacity and management of the commercial side," said Tommy. Four airports were assessed by the Airport Council International (ACI) the International Airport Ngurah Rai Bali, Surabaya Juanda International Airport, Sultan Hasanuddin International Airport Makassar, and the International Airport Sultan Aji Muhammad Sulaiman Balikpapan Sepinggan-average scores in on 4 of 5 Likert scale.

In addition to knowing the operational and financial performance of the Company, the visit was also intended to determine the performance of subsidiaries Angkasa Pura Airports. Tommy explained that to date the Company has five (5) subsidiaries and two (2) affiliated companies. "The main objective the establishment of the subsidiary is to improve and maintain the CSI scores and increase non-aeronautical revenues," said Tommy.

The delegation VI Commission then proceeded to review the activities of the airport facilities and services, primarily in Juanda Airport Terminal 2. "Commission VI wanted to get feedback and see for themselves the progress of state-owned companies in the field. For that we hold a specific visit because the Commission VI accept the aspirations of the people who submit their complaints, concluded Azam. [YAH]
