Komisi V DPR RI Lakukan Kunjungan Kerja ke Bandara Internasional Sam Ratulangi Manado

14 Dec 2014

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Manado - Marketing and Business Development Director of Angkasa Pura Airports, Robert Daniel Waloni along with General Manager Sam Ratulangi Airport Pipin Yusuf Arifin warmly welcomed the visit of the Commission V House of Representatives, led by Muhidin M.Said from Golkar to Sam Ratulangi International Airport, Sunday (14/12/14). Present in the entourage of about 19 members, accompanied by three Commission Secretariat and the Ministry of Transportation.

In the Working Visit implemented discussion of the problems of cross-transportation agencies in the VVIP Building Local Government of North Sulawesi Sam Ratulangi Airport. Also present at the meeting, such as BMKG, BASARNAS, AIRNAV and Manado Airport Authority VIII.

According Muhidin, the purpose of the working visit of the House of Representatives Commission V to North Sulawesi is to see how the preparation of airport services, BMKG and BASARNAS especially in the face of increasing number of passengers going home Christmas and New Year 2015. In his explanation, Robert Daniel Waloni convey Sam Ratulangi Airport is very prepared face surge forth Christmas and new year 2015. the capacity of the terminal can accommodate up to three million passengers per year, but there has recently reached 1.8 million people. This means that in terms of the capacity of the airport is still enough to serve the surge of passengers. According to available data, in 2013 the Sam Ratulangi Airport serves 19 925 aircraft movements, 2.322 million passengers and 11.759 tons of cargo.

On the occasion was also attended by the Corporate Communication Department Head Handy Heryudhitiawan as representatives of the Corporate Secretary of the Office of Central Jakarta. In connection with the visit of Commission V to various areas at this time, also went to Kupang El Tari Airport and Yogyakarta Adisucipto Airport. [Handy Heryudhitiawan]
