Keuntungan Masuknya Investor Asing ke Sektor Jasa Bandara

09 May 2014

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Jakarta – The Indonesian government has opened its door for tforeign investors to invest in the airport service sector despite the limitation of the investment of 49% of total capital. The President Director of Angkasa Pura Airports, Tommy Soetomo explained that foreign investors can provide financial security as well as transfer of knowledge and bring sophisticated technology to Indonesian airports.

“It is definitely the transfer of knowledge and sophisticated technology that is necessary for the airports. For example, after the upgrading of the terminal in Ngurah Rai Bali International airport, the airport is now at level with world class airports,” he explained to Liputan6.com, in Jakarta, on Friday (9/5/2014). Angkasa Pura Airports has been cooperating with GVK, a holding company from India as the management consultant for Ngurah Rai Airport, Bali. Tommy said the foreign investors are involved in the construction and management of an airport under the Private Public Partnership scheme, yet the majority share of the investment is from the local investors.

“So the foreign investors will be under a contract for a limited period of time and eventually it will be returned to the government. The contract is usually for 30 years and can be extended for another 20 years,” he said. He added, for the past three years, the company has been able to secure investments amounting up to Rp 7 trillion – 8 trillion for constructions and developments of several airports.

“We need fast investment, because an airport now has to be an airport city. It cannot stand alone, but it must be integrated with the industrial areas, warehouses such as airports in South Korea and Amsterdam, Netherlands,” Tommy explained. [Diani Sekaring Sejati/Source: Liputan6.com]
