Karyawan Angkasa Pura Airports Dibekali Pengetahuan Kearsipan oleh Arsip Nasional RI

13 Nov 2014

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JAKARTA - In order execution of archival accreditation in Angkasa Pura Airports work environment, dozens of employees equipped with knowledge about filing accreditation by National Archives of Indonesia, Thursday (13/11). The initial activity is prayer terms for Certification and Accreditation of Filing Unit Angkasa Pura Airport. Socialization followed by the initials dozens of employees from various units of work.

In his speech, Head of Corporate Communication Department, Handy Heryudhitiawan say that Angkasa Pura service as a business entity manager of service is very attentive against things with related documentation and archival. "Angkasa Pura previous service currently being doing projects Development and Construction of Airports, if archives and documents regarding the project are not managed properly will become a boomerang for us. For it, we are very serious about archival. at hheadquarters’ itself  records management we budgeted more less 1 billion, while at the branch office, each having budget approximately 300 million, "he explained.

Muhammad Soemitro, as the speaker in socialization explains regarding archives management and unit functions in archival. In addition to it, given also Awareness Accreditation archives, Purpose and Composition, As well as its function. Socialization is a series of initial archival accreditation of certification activities carried by The National Archives of Indonesia.

Earlier, on May 7, 2014 survey conducted pre Accreditation against Filing Unit Angkasa Pura Airports with attention and look Institutional Elements, program archives, records management, archiving infrastructure and archival well as Human Resources. The result of the survey is that the Implementation of archival implemented Angkasa Pura Airport Archival Unit General Operations has follow and fit with Principles, standards, and rules of filing and worthy to be accredited. [Pardika Dewi RS]
