Inilah Jawara Lomba Desain Logo dan Tagline Pengendalian Gratifikasi

30 Mar 2015

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JAKARTA - In order to enliven the 51st anniverary in  2015 of Angkasa Pura Airports, the same time to campaign for gratification control programs at Angkasa Pura Airports environment, has held "Logo Design Contest and Gratification Control Tagline ". After judging by the jury to the work of the participants who entered until the closing of this event on March 15, 2015 and, finally elected three best logo design and tagline. Who are the lucky ones and eligible to win a cash prize? Here it is the champion:

First Winner ( 5,000,000, - IDR)
Yuristo Ardhi Hanggoro (Corporate Communication Officer - Head Office, Jakarta)
Second Place ( 3,000,000, - IDR)
Andita Nugrahadi Perwira (Airport Equipment Section Officer - Branch Office Ahmad Yani Airport, Semarang)

Third Place ( 2,000,000, - IDR)
Bayu Harditriyanto (Safety, Health & Environment Officer - Branch Airports Sam Ratulangi, Manado)

Congratulations to the winners!
