Cegah Wabah Ebola, Bandara Ngurah Rai Dilengkapi Thermo Scanner

19 Aug 2014

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DENPASAR - Until now the international arrivals door track Ngurah Rai Airport is tightened by means of detection of Ebola virus (dengue Africa). The tool is not only used to check foreigners of African origin but all citizens who come from abroad as well as transit, virus detection tests conducted high level  fever. 

Co-Manager Airport I Gusti Ngurah Rai, Gusti Ngurah Ardita said it will remain focused and alert to the dangers of Ebola virus entry to all units at the airport. The point is to always do the monitor, especially for tourists who come from Africa. "So far we announce to all units at the airport to continue to monitor both the airline and aerospace temple officers," said Ardita. 

According to Ardita, there is no excessive worry of outbreak of ebola until now. However, it remains to be anticipated as the spread of ebola certain lines of thought which airlines are skipped. Until now there were no indications of a passenger who looks about ebola. "We see the progress of the field conditions, gradually if necessary, then it is possible thermally conditioned scan will depend further development," said Ardita. 

Meanwhile, the Provincial Health Director Ketut explained Suarjaya Bali Provincial Government has taken various steps to prevent the entry of Ebola virus to Bali. "We have received a circular from the Ministry of Health to conduct a precaution. For in Bali, before there was a circular from the Ministry of Health was, we've always vigilant. Currently, all medical personnel on standby for 24 hours across the entrance to Bali," he said in Denpasar, Monday (18/8), yesterday. 

According to him, tightening inspection especially for guests from countries exposed. Ngurah Rai became a very important location for examination. Currently the temperature gauge still operates optimally at Ngurah Rai Airport. According Suarjaya, previously exposed countries in Africa, but has now been found in Saudi Arabia. 

That is why, a few tourists with direct flights from Emirates will be required to go through a medical exam, go through thermo scanner tool. Although thermo scanner does not know whether infected with ebola virus, but at least know the early symptoms of a medical officer with the measured body temperature. "We're too good to be aware of the pilgrim which will go and which is back. We socialize about ebola and how efforts to prevent it," he said. 

Arab countries have entered into exposed so that all pilgrims should know about it. He asserted, as long as there has been no findings of both tourists and pilgrims were exposed to Ebola. When you find the symptoms of ebola, then the patient will be isolated to undergo further examination. Isolation room had been prepared in Sanglah Hospital. "The facilities are complete enough space. We will treat the same as previous experiences, such as patients with suspected viral Mers, Sars, bird flu, and so on," he said.

In fact, officials at Sanglah Hospital has also set up a variety of equipment and handling if it is a ebola entering Bali. 4isolation rooms and his special staff have prepared by General Hospital Center (RSUP) Sanglah, Denpasar, Bali to anticipate the spread of ebola virus. In the isolation room also prepared a number of specific medical devices to address infectious disease. "So far, the Sanglah also been coordinated with the Ngurah Rai Airport and a number of ports in Bali," he added. [Pardika Dewi RS / Source: Merdeka.com]
