Bandara Tak Boleh Lagi Tergantung Tarif

20 Aug 2014

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MAKASSAR - Since July 23, 2010, Tommy served as President Director of Soetomo Angkasa Pura Airports. Somewhat four years he had topped the positions in the companies that manage airports. Former banker Cimahi, birth in 1960, aspires to make the 13 airports in Angkasa Pura Airports as the world class international airport. Here, Okezone interview with Tommy Soetomo.

What strategic programs at airports managed AP Airports?

We have five strategic directions. Thus, we measure the success of the airport that we learn from the international community. In conclusion there are three. Airports in the world are getting to be less and less dependent on the tariff.

What’s the meaning of tariff?

If you board the plane, when get into the airport, you must pay. Well it should not be anymore. That name is aero revenues. So we have larger non-aero revenue, such as restaurants, food and beverage, advertising, like that.

Then, what besides that?

Secondly, the size of the airport's success is customer satisfaction index (CSI). Sultan Hasanuddin Airport is one of four major airports we are measured and assessed by the Airport Council International (ACI). CSI is calculated at the airport in size 1 to 5 Well, Hasanuddin Airport has reached level 4 CSI. Some airports in the world there are already 5 +, they are so good.

How many sizes of the CSI?

The size is there are so many. So, for example, if you wait long trunk, then it means bad service. If check-in is also a long, ugly cab, it can reduce the assessment.

What would be replicated from the concept of an international airport?

International airports around the world that we want to imitate the non-aero revenues of his I mentioned earlier that an average of 60 percent. We handle it when my new Angkasa Pura Airports still 20 percent. Now it's 40 percent, thank God.

It could be for example?

A simple example likes this, as in Singapore, for example: 'Hey you, let the plane come, free landing-fee, do not use this fee or that fee. Originally, let the passengers shopping’. So you know. That a trivial example. So, depend on the non-tariff income. Continues, second, customer satisfaction, so all efforts should be towards the satisfaction of the service users. Starting from a toilet, a taxi, a long wait for baggage, check-in time, it's a lot and assessed all.

What other factors?
Third, the way we contribute for the environment. So, thank God, for example, I have employees at Sultan Hasanuddin Airport there are 350 of people, but coupled with the status of non-organic about 800, so the total 1,150. The airport community, including employees of airlines, cargo, ground-handling, total 4,000. We imagine that such entities could employ four thousand people. So that the contribution for our environment. In addition to its non-economic differences were like that.

[Pardika Dewi RS / Source: okenews.com]
