Bandara I Gusti Ngurah Rai Naik ke Peringkat 60 Dunia

25 Feb 2015

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I Gusti Ngurah Rai International Airport, Bali rose to the rank 60 of the world, is much higher than in 2012 at No. 212 of the 365 airports worldwide. The attainment of a whip to improve achievement.

General manager I Gusti Ngurah Rai Airport, Herry AY Sikado revealed, the ratings are derived from the Airport Service Quality - Airport Council International (ACI), an international organization that focuses on the development of the airport service standards in the world.

He said that the satisfaction level of I Gusti Ngurah Rai Airport is only 2.9 of a scale of 5 or in the rankings to 212 in 2012. At the end of 2014 (Quartal 4), the results are quite satisfactory. Based on the measurement of the third quarter of airport service quality level of user satisfaction with the value of the airport increased to 4.37 or 60 in the world rankings.

"We get ranked 60th is also not easy. Various repairs we do. Before, we got to the rank-212," he said, at the International Airport Ngurah Rai, Kuta, Badung, Monday (23/02/2015).

He said that the recommendations given by ACI soon followed as the addition of trolley, additional seats in the waiting room, room quality, cleanliness, number of toilets, and many more.

"ACI rated not only from the perspective of the passengers, but all users of airport services. These include airline and air crew. From the results of measurements of the crew, we received many recommendations for improvement and improvement of services, ranging from facility to repair procedure," he said.

He said that, this year all the existing trolley at the airport will be replaced. Currently, the trolley at the airport around 2,000 pieces, there will be the addition of 1,500 new trolley. "The old trolley will we pull, and the number of trolley later about 2,500 pieces,"  he explained.

In the same year, I Gusti Ngurah Rai Airport also managed to get the award category The Main Prime of Public Transport Service of the Ministry of Transportation.

In terms of airport security, Aircraft Transportation Directorate in collaboration with The Office of Transport Security of Australia (OTS) which states that in assessing the I Gusti Ngurah Rai international airport has complied with international safety aspects, even beyond the standards set by ICAO.

"The success achieved by the airport at this time we make as a whip and encouragement to continue to continuous improvement," he said. [DSS / Source: Sindo News]
