Bandara Juanda Bakal Lebih Berkelas

31 Oct 2014

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Surabaya - East Java Governor Soekarwo serious about realizing the Juanda Airport into Juanda Airport City (JAC). Not only triple runway will be built, but also would be equipped with shopping malls, hotels, and transportation services. By doing so, the area is like a city of the future self. The prestigious project is targeted for completion in 2018.  "It's been signing autographs with Angkasa Pura Airports. Consultant and PT Adhi Karya also gathered to discuss it," said Soekarwo.

 Provincial not sure when the project worked. However, Soekarwo has planned; the project was completed in 2018. The desire has been submitted to several stakeholders like Angkasa Pura Airports, consultant, Ministry of Transportation, contractors, and Sidoarjo regency. They also approved a request by the governor. "Initially contractors and consultants offering completed 2019. But, I say the twin towers in Malaysia alone can finish before the deadline. Why this project is not? "' Said Soekarwo then laughed.

Officials with the birth of Madiun, explained, this time signing spatial planning and regional (Spatial) and the making of detailed engineering design (DED) has also been carried out. Thus, physical work can be worked out. In that project, each party has a duty. Provincial Government, for example, is responsible for the care of the environmental impact assessment (EIA). The land purchase is charged to the Sidoarjo regency. "Affairs EIA is okay. Land problem is handle by Sidoarjo regent affairs," he added.

He expects it to change over Juanda Airport classy as abroad. In it will be designed like shopping centers and urban community life. Start culinary centers, hotels, to transportation and jewelry center. "Jewelry center will be built just 100 hectares. Shopping center area of 2,300 hectares," he said. How many for the investment? Soekarwo states has yet to determine the investments that have been entered. Clearly, the company is still asking for the design of the project drawings. "This is my architectural dreams," he said.

Meanwhile, President Director of Angkasa Pura Airports, Tommy Soetomo justifies the development plan or development Juanda Airport terminal three (T3). Therefore, the condition T1 and T2 are now overloaded. "We are optimistic about the development of T3, " explained Tommy. So far the lineup Angkasa Pura Airports Juanda continued to improve after the operation capacity of T1 T2 since 14 February. Capacity increased to 14 million passengers per year. With the condition of total passengers in 2013 reached 16 million, actually two terminals that are already overloaded. Tommy predicts the number of passengers in 2015 exceeded 20 million. "It is very difficult to accommodate the existing airport infrastructure capacity so much as it requires the construction of a new terminal," he continued. [Pardika Dewi RS / Source: Jawa Pos]
