Bandara Adi Soemarmo Laksanakan Simulasi Kecelakaan Pesawat

29 Mar 2016

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BOYOLALI - Angkasa Air plane with flight code SOC-086 crashed in Adi Soemarmo Surakarta, Wednesday (3/23). The plane with the flight route Middle East to Surakarta was experiencing a failure while landing at an airport runway of Adi Soemarmo around 08.00 WIB. The accident allegedly caused by a flat tire and caught fire.

Airbus A-330 series 200 coded registration PK-SOC was carrying 135 passengers and crew. From the results of the identification by the evacuation team, reported 5 people died, 20 people were seriously injured, 22 people were injured, and 88 people were slightly injured.

Luckily, the incident was part of the Emergency Countermeasures Exercise (PKD) on the 86th  of Dirgantara Raharja held by PT Angkasa Pura I (Persero). The exercises involved about 900 personnel consisting of Airport Emergency Committee and the Airport Security Committee Angkasa Pura I, the Air Force airfield Adi Soemarmo, Perum LPPNPI, TNI / police, Basarnas, the Port Health Office, Immigration Office Surakarta, Customs Office Surakarta, some hospital and health centers around the Adi Soemarmoairport, and Fire Department.

Exercises were held in Adi Soemarmo, this is a simulation of a large-scale (full scale exercise), which consists of simulating the handling of the plane crash, security simulation acts of terrorism, handling simulation building fire (fire-building exercise), and simulation handling media handling when emergency conditions.

"This exercise is an integrated exercise conducted regularly and continuously with intent to test the functions of coordination, communication, and command between units and agencies in accordance with Airport Emergency Plan Document and Airport Security Programme Document. Also to train and strengthen the ability of personnel in accordance with their respective duties," said Operation Director of Angkasa Pura Airports Wendo Asrul Rose.

"We as the airport operator continues committed to always meet the basic aspects that include 3S + 1C, namely Safety, Security, Service, and Compliance. Aspects of aviation safety and security is a top priority because it is associated with the safety of human lives. That is why this kind of exercise to do," said General Manager Adi Soemarmo Abdullah Usman.

After Adi Soemarmo Surakarta, Angkasa Pura Airports as the airport manager in central and eastern Indonesia this year will also hold training PKD at three other airports in this year, which is in service Frans Kaisiepo Biak, Juanda Airport in Surabaya, as well as the service I Gusti Ngurah Rai Bali. [Public Relations Office]
