Angkasa Pura Retail Gandeng Mitra Kerinci Kembangkan Teh Premium Asli Indonesia

27 Feb 2015

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JAKARTA - Angkasa Pura Retail as one of the subsidiaries of Angkasa Pura Airports signed a Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) with the Mitra Kerinci (a subsidiary of Rajawali Nusantara Indonesia), Friday afternoon (27/2). The event was held at the Central Office Angkasa Pura Airports was attended by the President Director of PT. Angkasa Pura Retail, Teges Prita Soraya and President Director of PT. Mitra Kerinci, Agung P. Murdanoto and their staffs. In his speech after the signing, Teges convey the beginning of the birth of this cooperation is of his desire to have a premium tea product with its own label. "During this tea provided in hotels or restaurants premium brand always abroad while Indonesia has vast tea gardens and certainly not inferior to the tea that comes from outside," said Teges.

Meeting at an awards night marked the beginning of this collaboration, in addition to a common vision for creating Indonesian origin tea product that is not less tea products from abroad. The Mitra Kerinci currently manages his own Liki tea plantation at the foot of Mount Kerinci West Sumatra, annually produced 17 million kg of fresh green tea to the needs of domestic and foreign, so Liki tea plantation at the foot of Mount Kerinci is the largest green tea producer in Indonesia and in Asia southeast. "So far, we always maintain the quality of our tea so we dare to compete with premium tea brand from abroad once did," said Agung.

Coupled with a production capacity of 70 thousand kg of green tea per day, Mitra Kerinci increasingly convinced that Indonesia origin green tea native  will be able to dominate the premium tea market at home and abroad. Through collaboration with Retail Angkasa Pura I believe that through proper packaging and marketing by Angkasa Pura Retail, Indonesia origin green tea will be able to be found in hotels, premium restaurants even served in business class airplane, Agung continues. The MOU is the first step of a long-term cooperation will be conducted by the two companies. MoU signed will be followed in the agreement. "In the future we hope that the tea culture has mushroomed in various circles in Indonesia and we have a dream to open a school for tea experts of international standard," concluded Teges. [AM]
