Angkasa Pura Airports With 5 SOEs Open 2018 SMN Program Of D.I. Yogyakarta Province & Central Kalimantan Province

11 Aug 2018

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YOGYAKARTA- Angkasa Pura Airports in collaboration with five state-owned enterprises (BUMN) consisting of PT Garuda Indonesia (Persero) Tbk, PT Reasuransi Indonesia Utama (Persero) or Indonesia Re, PT Indonesian Futures Clearing (KBI), PT Asuransi Kredit Indonesia ( Persero) or Askrindo and PT Danareksa (Persero) held the official opening and sending off the high school students participating in the training program entitled Understanding the Indonesian Archipelago (SMN) 2018 of D.I. Yogyakarta Province and Central Kalimantan Province.

Angkasa Pura Airports Garuda Indonesia, Indonesia Re, KBI and the Office of Education, Youth & Sports of the Province of D.I. Yogyakarta dispatched 23 outstanding students from high school/vocational school/SLB equivalent, 2 exemplary teachers and 2 accompanying teachers of students with special needs in D.I Province. Yogyakarta to join the 2018 Students Understanding The Indonesian Archipelago (SMN) program to Central Kalimantan Province.

The activity as part of BUMN Present for the Country was held in Yudhistira Room, Mataram City International Convention Center, Yogyakarta, Saturday (11/8) night, attended by the Director of Human Resources & General Angkasa Pura Airports Adi Nugroho, Director of KBI Fajar Wibhiyadi, Director KBI Agung Rihayanto, Director of Danareksa Bondan Pristiwandana, General Reinsurance Indonesian Customer Experience Management & Division Head Administration Re Arie Surya Nugaraha, General Manager of Garuda Indonesia Yogyakarta Representative Jubi Prasetyo, Head of Central Java Region Askrindo I Putu Aprianto, General Manager of Yogyakarta Adisutjipto Airport Agus Pandu Purnama , Secretary of the DI Provincial Education, Youth and Sports Service Yogyakarya Triwidiyatmoko and Commander of the Education Squadron (Danskadik) 104 Adisutjipto Air Force Base Lt. Col. Pnb. M. Sugiyanto.

In this 2018 SMN program, Angkasa Pura Airports acted as the Coordinator of the BUMNs/ PIC of the Province of D.I. Yogyakarta cooperating with Garuda Indonesia, Indonesia Re and KBI as the BUMN Co-Sponsor. The PIC received 23 high school / vocational school / vocational high school students, 2 exemplary teachers and 3 accompanying teachers for students with special needs from Central Kalimantan who were selected and assigned by Askrindo and Danareksa as the PICs for the implementation of the SMN Program in Central Kalimantan Province. The students are invited to better understand the business of the participating BUMN PIC & CO. The PIC Province of D.I. Yogyakarta, participated in the program to learn about Defending the Nation (Bela Negara) facilitated by the Indonesian Air Force Base of Adisutjipto Airport.  The students also learned about E-Commerce and attended journalistic writing training and were given the opportunity to visit cultural & historical places in D.I. Yogyakarta Province.

In addition, Angkasa Pura Airports, Indonesia Re, Garuda Indonesia and KBI provided assistance by contributing story books to the Library of SMAN 6 Yogyakarta and to the Yogyakarta Natural Children Studio. The students from Central Kalimantan Province high school will also be invited to contribute to the preservation of nature and the environment by releasing turtles at Pelangi Beach, Bantul Regency.

Meanwhile,the students from D.I. Yogyakarta Province, during the exchange program in Central Kalimantan Province, will be invited to visit historical places and tourist attractions in the city of Palangkaraya. The students will take part in learning about Bela Negara facilitated by the Indonesian Army (TNI)and will follow a training on E-Commerce. They will also be given training atthe orangutan rehabilitation center managed under the Borneo Orangutan Survival Foundation (BOSF.

"Thanks to the strong synergy between the SOEs, this SMN program was only made possible by upholding the joint commitment of the SOEs: BUMNs are here for the Country particularly in the area of education for the younger generation. This high school program is expected to foster the students’ sense of love and pride for Indonesia’srich cultural, natural, historical and regional potentials, especially in the Province of D.I. Yogyakarta and Central Kalimantan Province," said Director of Human Resources & General Angkasa Pura Airports, Adi Nugroho.

"Hopefully with this student exchange activities of D.I.Yogyakarta ​​Provinceand Central Kalimantan Province it can develop closeness and the spirit of nationalism and provide insights for students," added the Director of Danareksa, Bondan Pristiwandana

The Secretary of the D.I Yogyakarya Provincial Education, Youth and Sports Service, Triwidiyatmoko highly appreciated the synergy of the six SOEs in this SMN program. "This program for high school students is certainly a very good program for the young generation of the archipelago. Please enjoy the city of Yogyakarta for students from Central Kalimantan and congratulations to the students from Yogyakarta who will be visiting Palangkaraya," said the Secretary of the D.I Yogyakarta Province Education, Youth and Sports Department, Triwidiyatmoko in closing his statement . [AD]
