Angkasa Pura Airports Terapkan PSC on Ticket

01 Mar 2015

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Jakarta - In order to improve comfort and provide convenience for the users of aviation services, Angkasa Pura Airports are ready to apply the provisions of rates Passengers Services (PJP2U) or Passenger Service Charge (PSC) which is inserted into the passenger ticket (PSC on ticket) from 1st in March 2015.

President Director of Angkasa Pura Airports, Tommy Soetomo explains, step implementation of the PSC on the ticket is a follow up of the Rule of Director General of Civil Aviation Ministry of Transportation No. KP / 447/2014 dated September 9, 2014. Therefore, Angkasa Pura Airports as a State Owned Enterprises (SOE) airport management in the central region and eastern Indonesia has prepared the implementation of the PSC on the ticket together with the airline since last December 2014.

"Application of PSC on the ticket is an effort to airport managers and airlines to increase the convenience for the user aircraft. Angkasa Pura I, as the manager of 13 airports in central and eastern Indonesia is ready to implement this provision," said Tommy, as cited Sunday (1/3 / 2015). Application of PSC on the ticket is valid for all scheduled flights. Good for domestic passenger flights (domestic), as well as passengers flying abroad (international).

Tommy admitted although not all international flights implement the PSC on the ticket, but all airlines registered as a member of the International Air Transport Association (IATA) will implement the policy as of March 1, 2015. Later the entire domestic and international airline will apply the PSC on the ticket.

With this provision, any air passengers will no longer have to make a PSC payment upon check-in at the airport. This will provide convenience, reduce queues at checkouts PJP2U, and will provide more time for the passengers in the airport facilities.

In addition, Tommy also explains, in the Director General of Civil Aviation Ministry of Communications No. KP / 447/2014, which referred to the PSC is fare Passengers Services (PJP2U) at the airport. So in accordance with the regulation, the proper term is the Passenger Service Charge (PSC) and not the airport tax (airport tax). [DSS / Source: Liputan6.com]
