Angkasa Pura Airports Supports the Flight Safety Campaign

10 Feb 2019

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JAKARTA - In a bid to increase public awareness on the importance of aviation safety and security, Angkasa Pura Airports supports the Aviation Safety and Security Campaign initiated by the Directorate General of Civil Aviation (DJU) of the Ministry of Transportation.

The campaign entitled "Indonesian Flight is Forever Safe, Secure, and Comfortable" was conducted simultaneously by the Directorate General on Sunday (10/2) in 10 regions of the Airport Authority Office (Regions I to 10).

Meanwhile, Angkasa Pura Airports shows support by conducting the campaign simultaneously in five major airports, namely I Gusti Ngurah Rai International Airport in Bali, Juanda International Airport in Surabaya, Sultan Hasanuddin International Airport in Makassar, Sultan Aji Muhammad Sulaiman Sepinggan International Airport in Balikpapan, and Sam Ratulangi International Airport in Manado.

The campaigns are led by the General Manager of each airport and the main purpose is to provide education and understanding to prospective passengers regarding the role of the community in supporting flight safety and security, especially related to people's daily activities that affect aviation.

"We strongly adhere to the principles of safety, security, service, and compliance or commonly known as 3S1C at each of our operational activities at the airport. Therefore, we fully support all efforts to realize them, including the Aviation Safety and Security Campaign conducted at some airports managed by Angkasa Pura Airports," said Angkasa Pura Airports president director Faik Fahmi.

The programs in the campaign are:

1. Conduct activities related on Sympathetic Supervision on all aviation safety and security factors.

2. Hold a press conference.

3. Conduct sympathetic campaign by giving campaign items and campaign messages through various media.

For example, in the terminal area of I Gusti Ngurah Rai International Airport, the campaign was conducted by providing information and education about the importance of flight security and safety. In addition to providing information about the use of cellphones and power banks in aircraft, types of dangerous goods, and information on procedures for conducting flights, service users are also given souvenirs in the form of pins with a logo that says “SELAMANYA" (FOREVER), which stands for "Selamat” (Safe), “Aman” (Secure) and “Nyaman”(Comfortable).

Besides, a ramp check was carried out on 3 aircraft, 16 aircraft cabin crew, and 9 GSE units at I Gusti Ngurah Rai International Airport. In the inspection, the conditions of the aircraft, cabin crew, and Ground Support Equipment are declared operationally feasible.

Meanwhile, at the ATC tower of I Gusti Ngurah Rai International Airport, inspections were carried out by a joint team who later announced that air traffic services carried out by AirNav Indonesia Denpasar Branch were in optimal condition. The services are also in line with the standard operating procedure (SOP) that had been approved from the Directorate General of Civil Aviation.

Similar activities were also done at Sultan Hasanuddin International Airport where souvenirs and pins were distributed as well as disseminating information in the departure and waiting room areas to remind service users that maintaining flight safety and security are important things to do.

Not only campaigning, the Makassar Region V Airport Authority also conducted a Ramp Check or Ramp Inspection.

"This Ramp Check is routinely carried out as aviation safety and security standards, especially during the peak season," said Makassar Region V Airport Authority head Agus Priyanto.

Airport safety and security are not only the responsibility of the Airport Authority or the Operators and the Airport Community, service users or public also have a role in maintaining flight safety and security by complying with the regulations that have been implemented.
