Angkasa Pura Airports Siapkan Sosialisasi bagi Warga Terdampak

18 Aug 2014

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Yogyakarta - Still long way of land acquisition for developing of a new airport plan in Yogyakarta as a substitute for the existing Adi Sutjipto airport, continued effort Angkasa Pura Airports with related parties. Most recently, meeting management Angkasa Pura Airports with Regent Kulonprogo was conducted in the Kulonprogo Regents’ official house, Yogyakarta (13/8). In a meeting discussing the possibilities of relocation options and maturation of the dissemination material, Regent Kulonprogo, dr. Hasto Wardoyo confirms the County Government support for the new airport development plan Yogyakarta. "Two things that can be enjoyed by local governments and communities to where the new airport is a state of good or excellent," said Hasto. 

Associated with the clarity of time socializing, management Angkasa Pura Airports are represented in Finance and IT Director, Subrata Agus Gunawan testified that socialization plan will be in the near future. "Angkasa Pura Airports assisted by the Centre for Rural and Regional Studies (PSPK) at Gadjah Mada University in the preparation of dissemination materials," he explained. Indeed socialization conducted on 4 August, but had to be rescheduled due to the time and material readiness. 

In order to finalize the matter of socialization, Angkasa Pura Airports Team hold a joint workshop meeting of the Local Government DIY, Kulon Progo Regency Government, and the PSPK-UGM as a mediator workshop on August 14, 2014 held in Yogyakarta. "Currently, we are discussing the material with Kulon Progo Regency. Socialization Rules will be executed in accordance with the Act. If the material has been approved by the local government and DIY Progo Regency, soon we’ll socialize," said Gunawan. 

In line with Gunawan, Corporate Secretary Angkasa Pura Airports, Farid Indra Nugraha said it is still finalizing the materials with the local government. Models and follow-up program will be held by Angkasa Pura Airports as well as the shape of local government support is compiled together. From the workshop, which is expected to be known that the duty of Angkasa Pura Airports as well as the portion of the obligation Kulon Progo Regency Government. 

In the process of airport development in Kulon Progo, Angkasa Pura Airports attempt to do it carefully. Angkasa Pura Airports are very concerned to citizens, especially those directly affected from the construction of the airport in accordance with the Act mandated heed to the concept of human-centered development (People-centered development). "Angkasa Pura Airports are not only looking for profit, social responsibility inherent in all the activities of pre-constructions, constructions, until the airport operates," he concluded. [Yuristo Ardhi]
